
Monday, May 26, 2008


Sparks soar through the sky
filled with firely flames
see the anger
see the pain

Sparks soar through the sky
filled with passion
see the need
see the wonder

Sparks soar through the sky
filled with a dam of tears
see the hurt
see the depression

Sparks soar through the sky
filled to the brim with lies
see the awful
see the knowledge

The rain won't come
sparks soar on
the land a lit with flames
what life is this

Run far away
escape to a land of green
only to see
a spark soars again

Friday, May 23, 2008

Short on Sleep

I went to a dance today. It was a small school and there were less than fifty people there but it was still fun. My feet hurt from dancing though.

I'm about to fall asleep. Last night I decided it was time to write my research paper rough draft. It was due today so I felt the clock ticking. I grabbed my notebook and sat down in front of the TV for a grand night of multitasking. I didn't do very much writing but I did finish my sixth page in time to go to bed at 4 in the morning. I slept in till 7:30 and have been managing to run on adrenile all day. I don't know how I did it. I took small naps in math and at lunch but actually stayed awake for everything else.

It's amazing to be alive after three and a half hours of sleep. I normally cannot do that. Wow.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Over Stretching

Youth group is stressing me out. People's demands are stessing me out. I feel like I'm being stretched in different directions that I don't want to go in...and I usually like stretching. I like seeing myself go from point A to point B. It's never easy but I'm always a better/more skilled person by the end of it.

Not so much appreciating some of this 'stretching.' School is alright...I don't want to do the research paper though. Ew.

And our new take home test for history is just gross...ten essays that we have to self correct. On top of another project where we have to present viewpoint of Truman Adminstration of Atomic Bomb dropping...which isn't hard at all but I'd actually have to open my book, read and, this might shock you, actually think.

Honestly I'd just like to curl up with a good book.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Hate

I hate the way you make me feel bad about myself.

I hate the way you make me wonder...what if?

What if I was different?

Would you like me if I were taller?

Am I too I too fat?

Is it my hair that's all wrong?

Or did the pasty white skin do it?

Would you like me if I were funny?

Or was it seriousness you wanted?

I hate how you make me feel like a nothing. Because I work so hard to confident in myself, to stay healthy and then I'm not good enough. That's hard and it sucks.

I hate that you did this to me.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I have come to realize something.

People misuse the argument "You're being judgmental."

Last night I was watching MTV. The show was Real World Hollywood or something like that. In the scene one girl, Bri, brings home this guy. Three girls are sharing a room. Sarah is laying awake on one of the beds and when she sees Bri bring the guy to bed asks that they not do anything because she is awake. Bri promises not to but thirty seconds later you can guess what happens. Sarah is disgusted and leaves the room. She says that Bri does not have any respect for herself or the people around her. The next day Bri says that Sarah is being judgmental and needs to accept that other people are different.

It was something about Bri's attitude that angered me.

People who know me know that I try very hard to never be judgmental. I respect that people live by different morals. Personally I believe that only God can judge because only he is blameless. Unless you are perfect judging other people makes you a hypocrite. Now I'm not perfect and I do mess up from time to time but I do make a genuine effort to not be judgmental.
But with that said I do not believe Sarah acted wrong in any way. Bri was the one being disrespectful because she did not respect the comfort levels of her friends (that's putting it nicely) and didn't follow through with what she said.

If Bri wanted to sleep with a guy she brought home from a club that was her choice. If Sarah thought "oh she's a slut/bad person" because of that then she was being judgemental. But being upset for at Bri for being twenty feet awya after she said she wouldn't was completely normal reaction. Most people would react the same way regardless of the number of sexual partners they'd had.

That is only one example.

People live their lives by different moral codes. That is obvious. We should always respect that but that respect has to go two ways. For example I have friends who are strongly against cursing. It doesn't bother me but I make an effort to never curse in front of these friends. But if I was to say "My friends are judging me when I cuss, boo hoo." that would be silly. You can be disgusted/unhappy by an action without hating/disliking/judging the person.

But so many people in my age group resort to the "you're being judgmental" argument wrongly. I'm sad to see that respect is becoming an endangered species. We have to respect different morals. I like to say to Christians, "If you want to change them, love them. They won't respond to hate." But if you do chose to behave in a way that goes against another person's beliefs/morals you should expect a negative reaction. Why? Because we're human. Duh.

Another thing.

It is okay to have high morals. Today anyone who has high morals are looked down upon. That is wrong. No one has the right to abuse the rights of other people. We all have the freedoms specified in the Bill of Rights but we do not have to agree with everything that goes on in the world.

The gay issue angers me because it is okay to think homosexuality is right but it isn't okay to think homosexuality is wrong. I just happen to support gay marriage and all that but I completely see and understand the other side of the argument.

I ask you this...if everyone is so concerned with being 'open minded' why is it they only see one side of the argument?

Morality is a huge, controversial debate but that is my two cents. Think about it and I encourage you to developed your own stance on it. If we are going to make it into this world we all have to know what we believe in.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Possible Normal

I feel so bipolar. One moment I'm happy, the next minute I'm at the bottom of the world.

So basically boys are incredible stupid. I'd like to punch exhibit A in the face right now. It would make me really happy actually. Grrr He is so freaking out of my life but I want him back. Not fair. This is killing me. I am not supposed to be the one who has her heart broken. No that is so not me. I like to be in control, not smashed into billions of pieces. Grrr I feel used. It's a horrible feeling.

But on the other hand I got the ballet letter I'd been waiting for.

We would like to congratulate you on your progress in our ballet program.

The purpose of this letter is to invite you to try to the beginning level pointe class this summer. We will start with some very basic fundamentals and strenght work..." blah blah blah

*Jumps up and down with joy.* This makes me incredibly happy. I can't wait to get the shoes.

Recital is coming up too. It's at the end of June and the closer it gets the more excited I am.

So life is good and bad. I suppose that makes it normal?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Idealist or Denial

i·de·al·ist noun
1. a person who cherishes or pursues high or noble principles, purposes, goals, etc.
2. a visionary or impractical person.
3. a person who represents things as they might or should be rather than as they are.

In All The King's Men Jack is an idealist. He has images of the people he loves in his mind and even as "The student of history" he does not want to see them for who they are and what they've done.

I am an idealist. I've always said I'm a realist, I look at the things the way they are and try to stay away from foolish nonsense. Yet another realization I've made is I am an idealist.

It's probably a method of survive. I had to see the people I love a certain way because if I don't I won't be able to love them anymore. If everything is all happy and good in my mind I can relax and be okay. When everything is real and the lies are uncovered there is chaos. Personally, I like order.

Maybe it's just that I'm in denial. Why? It's easier. If nothing is wrong than I don't have to deal with anything. If I lie and pretend everything is great no one will ask questions.

Really, it's a very good system. It's worked well for me for as long as I can remember.

So I pose this I in denial or if am I just an idealist? I'm not really sure actually. Thoughts to ponder.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Lessons Learned

What I have learned from All the King's Men.

People are complex.

I know I talked about this earilier, saying I'm simple everyone else is complex. But thinking about it more I'm not sure anymore.
Change is complex.

and shit, I changed. All these new realizations, resolutions and past issues to deal with. It adds up a lot sometimes.

It's funny how sometimes you can be living your life completely open where people know you better than you know yourself. They know all your motives and reasoning but for whatever reason it takes you longer to catch up. Then you realize...oh. They were right. Damn.

I learned the hard way that people paint of picture of life for you when you are a kid. It's a picture of how life, in their eyes, should work. What is supposed to happen is you grow up and realize life doesn't happen that way and find a way to make it work.

But then I had to be the dummy who really thought life did work that way. I carried around a picture of how things would work out. If it wasn't the way I envisioned then it wasn't good enough.

How much more naive can you be? I had to experience the cold, hard truth of of reality before being able to overcome this childish understanding of the world. My heart reaches out to those other lost souls who still have no idea. Rule of the thumb, if the family says so, it ain't.

So after experiencing the rejection and pain as a result of the actions which on acted on in the ignorance of my youth I had to think beyond what I'd known. This is a difficult process and takes much time. I am still improving each and every day. As I learn I resolve to do better knowing I am worthless if I can't.

Change is complex. That is how people are complex. Because people, what they do and the motives behind them are simple but the change that takes place in the above is complex because it takes them to a new world of superior being.

"Life is like a spiderweb."

I didn't make this up, my English teacher wrote it on the board but I want to make itpersonal and relivant to me.

Every little action we take affects everyone. My choir teacher lectured on us one morning saying our opinion doesn't matter. We all have to live up to our expectations because our actions affect everyone around us, whether we think they do or not.

Of course he's right. They are both right.

It's not always negative things that we do that affect others but passive and positive as well.

It's like Tom's decision to play football. It resulted in an accident and he was paralized. This event prompts Willie to go back to his wife and leave his mistresses. By being left alone Sadie becomes angry and makes a decision that ends up in the death of two characters.

Why? Because Tom played football.

It's not to say that Tom shouldn't have played football. Football alone isn't bad in itself. But if affects everyone else none the less.

It's the negative decisions people make that have the hardest impact on others. Choosing to indulge in any of the three sins, alcohol, drugs, sex or committing crimes such as stealing, murder or assualt all have very negative effects on everyone.

People think, well it's my choice. It's my right. I can do whatever I want. I only wish that were true. Think of how much heartbreak could be avoided if that were so.

Now I have to realize how my own actions affect those around me. I won't share with you because some examples are personal but realize I am taking them into consideration. You should do so as well. The world will be a better place if you do.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Can't Make Up

I don't know why I always look at you but I do.

And I can't help but wonder why do they love you? Because they didn't love me.

I'm not saying I deserved it. But it still would have been nice.

I hate having realizations. To make a realization means you've experienced something to lead to a conclusion. In my case this means I've either been walking around like the biggest idiot on the planet or I've managed to screw things up so's just bad.

I hate this because I know it doesn't matter that I've changed. I could be the most humble loving person to ever friggen walk this earth but it still wouldn't matter. You'd still love her instead. It's so hard to accept being past the point of no return, knowing I'll just have to go on with life and accept conditions as they are, knowing I can never change things.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


What is your favorite memory?

A distant, overused question. I've always answered it with a shrug, "I don't know." I've honestly never been able to narrow down all the memories to one favorite...until now.

It just hit me suddenly while I was reading the question and I knew. The thought twists in my stomach and makes me feel sick. It shouldn't be a favorite memory and I'm glad until now I've been able to forget. Now I shall remember it though. It will follow me down the halls and through the rooms and I will not be able to rid myself of it. The events of the season will haunt me till the day I die. But remembering I can feel the warmth, feel content, feel the grass and the sun. Even the dog barking in the distance...I remember it all. The conversation has faded away but the smilies are still there.

I do not want to remember. This state of denial, wishful thinking and remorse must stop. I only wish I could. How hard is it to be the better person? Couldn't I for once be the person they made me into?

It is the first of May. In two months it will be summer. It can't have been that long ago. Wasn't it yesterday? Have I been drifting for so long this past year? The answer is yes...but I don't know what to do.