
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

You Know, It's Not To Late To Begin Anew

It's tragic. I stopped reading novels. I stopped writing. I stopped dancing. I stopped singing.

I stopped feeling. Instead I went to class and work. At home I spent time with my family, my daughter, studied for exams and prepared for group meetings. Stress, worry, sleep deprivation and anxiety seemed to fill my days.

A nasty virus and the end of my class changed my routine. With little energy to spare I pulled a novel off my bookshelf, Russian Winter. I've owned it for two years, and I've never opened it. Now after all this time and in two days I devoured it.

If I could write a good book review I would write the best. I fear that my attempt at a review might cause this novel to be presumed to be less then the magnificent work of art that it is. Thankfully, others have already written reviews. I will say this much. I feel again, and I'm so excited.

You may read a review here.


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Thursday, June 13, 2013  

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