
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Not All That Excited

I just turned in my first essay of the school year. Classes are going alright, though online distance learning isn't exactly what I'd call exciting.

I try not to go outside very often. Usually it's hot but sometimes it cools down. It did rain today but I've been sick lately so I didn't spend any time enjoying it. My life involves going out to fast food places with my family, church on the weekends and a trip to Walmart every two weeks or so. I wouldn't say there is anything exciting about my life. Normally I am always busy so this slow paced nothing-ness drives me crazy. I'm leaving for Oregon soon, but I have more to dread then be excited about.

I did go to Disneyland last week. That was a fun day. I got a new Eeyore mug to add to my small collection.



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