Happines Rant
Warning, this is going to be a rant.
I've decided what is wrong with the world: people refuse to let other people just be happy. I was thinking this morning about how happy I am with my life. It's not perfect but I do lots of fun things on a regular basis and spend time with some great people. Yet if the world had its way, I would not be happy. I'd be living my life the way everyone else told me to do it.
Why are people so goddamn opinionated? The reason I've been thinking about this is because I have to make a decision soon about where I'm going to live. Luckily I have a few months to figure it out because I haven't much of an idea what to do. Sadly enough the reason is that I'm too easily persuaded by the opinions of my family, friends and strangers. If we lived in a world where people encouraged others to do the right thing for them, to make themselves happy, then it would be simple. But no. Today if you think about yourself, your own happiness that makes you a selfish bitch.
I agree you shouldn't become absorbed in yourself. If all we can think about is me me me, we are selfish. But when it's time to make a life altering decision, you sure as hell should be thinking about you.
Think about prop 8. The whole issue is that these big religious groups have decided that because they have an issue with guy on guy and girl on girl, people who love each other shouldn't be allowed to marry. If such a thing were to pass, children would be hurt, lives destroyed. The whole argument is made up by self righteous people who stand up in white robes, afraid of their own sexuality. If that's how they want to feel, fine, but why do they get to decide for the rest of the world who gets to be happy and who doesn't?
I'm just tired of being held down by judgmental people who pretend to be on my side.
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