
Monday, July 30, 2007

Party Time

Today is the triplet's birthdays. They are all five. But it's like Noah is five, David is four and Mary is three. Mary...mary...mary. I think she needed more time in the womb. They were all premature but she was the smallest. She worries me. They will all be going to kindergarten this fall. Noah will love it. He'll probably make friends and listen to the teacher and answer her questions. David will probably struggle a little but he'll be okay. Mary might be in the same room but her mind won't be.

I noticed in sunday school she, like many children, will play with a piece of paper with people on it. She will pretend to be the people and play games with them. That's fine. For heavens sake I can remember doing that. But she can't pull herself out of her fanasty world. She is not aware of what's going on around her. It's really hard to pull her out of it. And it's not just in class.

When I babysit and we watch TV I will ask her to sit down. As she gets absorbed in what she's watching she moves in front of the tv until I ask her to sit down again. When she hears my voice she runs back to the couch. For a child her age this is pretty normal, to forget to sit down. Asking a child to sit for prolonged periods of time is asking alot. But 30 times in a row? I can't help but wonder is she chosing to ignore what I've asked of her or does she simply not realize what she's doing until I remind her? I guess I'll probably never know.

When you ask Mary a question she may not acnoledge you. Or she might stammer out an answer or answer with something completely unrelated beyond what other children her age do. And then everyone laughs and thinks its cute. I'm not so easily amused. I don't see her making connections between questions and answers.
"Mary would you like to go outside?"
If she's paying attention she might say, "yes", "yeah" or she might nod her head. Or she might just go outside on her own.
However theres a good chance she will not respond at all. In fact the question might have to be repeated several times before her brain registers that she's been asked a question. Then there's the blank look on her face that reads what did she ask?

I do see her making progress as she gets older but she's no where near where Noah is developmently. Some of the things she does wouldn't be bad if looked out seperately but as a whole I think it spells trouble. Or maybe specifically devlopmental delays or possible autism. I'm almost convinced she is autistic and its obvious she's behind developmentally. I guess we will just have to wait until she is reevaluated.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Reflections of the Wedding

I just got back from the wedding! It was work but also alot of fun. The bride, who's name ironically is also Emily Rose, is very pretty and seems nice. I didn't talk with the groom Jermey but I'm sure he's great too!

When dad and I first got back to church after lunch we moved around furniture, turned on lights and got the place ready for Emily and her bridesmaids, Laura, Bethany and Anita. They were a little late but it didn't take too long to get Emily in her dress. I fetched a fan for her because it was very warm. The little flower girl was very cute. She was the daughter of Anita, the matron of honor.

All the pictures were taken beforehand and ran up until fifteen minutes of the wedding starting so most of the audience saw Emily before she walked down the aisle. The pianist played the first few notes of the procession music so I would know when to send the groom's parents down the aisle so I wasn't too nervous about that. Funny, Emily must have been really nervous, about to be married and all. I was also really nervous about sending them all down the aisle.

Nothing bad happened and I didn't miss the que. First I sent off the groom's mother Eva escorted by the usher Darrin, followed by Jermey's father Dennis. Next Emily's mother Susan was escorted by usher Eric. Out front dad walked in from a side door with Jermey. When both Darrin and Eric had returned I sent off all the bridesmaids and groomsmen, followed by Kari, the flower girl. Lauri, Emily's hair dresser and friend, and I shut the doors and adjusted Emily's dress. When the pianist began playing the bridal march we opened the doors and sent off Emily on her father Joe's arm.

I slipped in a few minutes later and watched the ceremony from the back pew. Surprisingly enough even though I'd known Emily less than two hours I almost found myself tearing up. lol Everything went fine until they lined up to light the unity candle, finding the two side candles weren't lit! Dad had asked me earilier to light them, promising that he would find matches, but neither had happened. We had both forgotten. He managed to save the day by saying,

"Excuse me we are having tecnical difficulties. Does anyone have a match? Do we have any smokers in the room?"
Someone handed him a lighter, thank goodness. I still can't beleive I forgot. Well, actually I can believe that I just hate thinking about it. I felt bad for the rest of the ceremony even as I lined everyone up for the recieveing lines afterwards. Dad and I had a little guilty laugh afterwards.

The reception was at an art gallery downtown. It was an interesting party. I'm though once dad and I had left the party was a little more wild. Drinks were in one room, as if dad would drink, and meats and fruits in another. There was some dancing and long toasts by people who were obviously NOT public speakers. When the cake was cut we made our exit.

Over all I think it was a greatly enjoyable experience. I can't wait for my next chance to play wedding hostess. Let me just remember, light the candles!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Blond Moments

I am 75% retarded

1. [x] You have choked on your water before.
2. [x] You have tripped down the stairs before.
3. [x] You have walked into a door
4. [x] You have pushed a door the wrong way.
5. [x] You have walked into a wall.
6. [x] You have fallen going UP the stairs
7. [x] You have jumped off something.
8. [x] You have been shocked.
9. [x] You have put metal/aluminum in the microwave.
10.[] Right after a commercial comes on you have forgotten theshow you were watching.
11. [x] You have forgotten something that someone said.
12. [x] Your friends/family call you blonde
13. [x] You barely ever understand stuff/jokes, or it takes a long time to figure them out
14. [x] You have been bleeding and not even noticed it.
15. [x] You've worn something backwards/ in side out the whole day without knowing.
16. [] You have stuck a fork in a toaster before.
17. [] You have played with fire.
18. [x] You have burned something because you forgot about it.
19. [ ] You've stepped on a flat iron/ curliing iron
20. [] You had to write this down or use a calculator or use your fingers to figure out your answer.
add up your points after you finish this multiply by 5And Respost as: "I'm __ % retarded

Well I always kind of knew I wasn't all that right in the head. And come to think of it Jake does call me special...I won't fret over it too much. Everyone always asks me if I'm a natural blonde so it's nothing new.

On the more productive side...I'm going to make money tomorrow. That makes me happy. I only wish it was a more permanent job as opposed to a one time deal. I really do need a part time job...

Tomorrow I'm going to try my hand at wedding hostess. I pretty much hang with the bride and bridesmaids while they get ready and get them anything they need. My big job is making sure they get down the aisle in the right order at the right time. I'm a little big nervous because usually I like to wait till people tell me when to go but I'm going to be telling other people when to go. The wedding rehersal was last night while I was at Lisa and Bill's wedding so I'll have to make the best of my notes. Well I'm sure I'll do fine. I mean what's the worst that could happen?

....okay that wouldn't be my fault! Oiii...I'm not ready for this *cries*

Friday, July 27, 2007

I can hear the bells

Ahhh I love a wedding. Tis the season to be wedded. So far there has been two church weddings but I wasn't able to attend either. First was Matt Oaks and Joannie Young. They got married on the day of Jake's party (you can imagine where I was) at camp Arrah Wanna in the pouring rain. Hey at least its memorable and Joannie is so pretty the fact that she's soaking doesn't even make her less beautiful to look at. Second was Mike Mitchelle and Crystal. They got married in Vermont. Enough said.

Today was not a church wedding. It was Jake's mom Lisa and her boyfriend Bill. They didn't get married in a church but at a little park by a river under beautiful green trees. The sun streamed in from under the branches adding a touch of natural beauty. Everyone was dressed in light blue except the bride of course in white. Though since it's her second marriage blue would have been a more appropriate color. The cermony went on without a hitch but of course had its own little tweaks. When the first brides maid walked down the aisle half the people stood up. Since EVERYONE knows you only stand up when the BRIDE walks down the aisle, we remained sitting. I was there with Mum and Autumn. Dad was at another wedding rehersal and joined us later at the reception. Then of course the pastor forgot to seat us. Figurers, he's Lutheran. lol jk. I thought he didn't prepare very well and never personally would have chosen him but none the less the cermony was beautiful.

The reception was fun. There was plenty to eat, crackers with meat and cheese accompanied by pickles, fruits and veggies. And the cake was huge and tasty I'm told. The tables were decorated with dolphin figurine centerpieces, disposable camras to capture memories, small white doves in pairs, little white cards with small bells to ring and copper rings for to guests to wear. It was indoors, in a wooden building. The dancing was controlled by a square dancing caller so of course he had to have two dances in. The second one had a twist, he rapped it. It was a very memorable dance. I know I won't ever forget it and how much it made me giggle.

Jake drug me around (well not literally) and introduced me to many friends and relatives. I was surprised at how many people present I had already met. Braden was there to my delight. I met him at Jake's party and instantly fell in love with him. He's possibly the cutest four year old boy I've met. Even more so than Noah and he's pretty hard to beat. I couldn't resist giving Braden a few kisses when Jake wasn't looking.

Oh but Jake was truely the handsome one tonight. He had warned me via text message that he was going to look like a waiter, and he really did! The only thing he didn't realize is how much I enjoy cute waiters. Why I even proposed to one once! Jokingly of course, but I wouldn't have been to upset had he said yes! Oh but with his hair cut Jake was so adorbale! Blue really is his color. When the wedding was over and everyone lined up to great the bride and groom my mom made a comment about how she hated recieving lines. I couldn't help but think how I cared not about seeing the bride and groom but it was my waiter that I was after!

It was a very enjoyable evening. But then again, I always love a good wedding! I can only hope the next one will not be to far off into the future.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Oh the rain

It rained last night. A summer storm complete with thunder and lightning. The ground is wet, Dax won't venture of the porch and I'm wrapped in a blanket. I don't remember it raining last night. I hadn't thought I'd fallen asleep but I must have, off and on. I know I fell asleep about six, woke up at eight forty-five. Jake called me about ten after nine. It was nice to hear his voice. I had a really stupid dream when I was napping in the evening. Something happened to him and I sat there and cried. Not very mature I guess...crying over a dream. I don't know what I'd do if I lost him though.

Right now everything hurts. My feet hurt, my leg hurts from when I fell Sunday at the park, cramps plague my middle section and my shoulders and arms are a little sore. I started today so that explains the cramps. They've been getting so awful lately. Never have they been good but never this bad. Last month was the first time I think they were so strong and painful. I couldn't sleep most of the night because of it. And now I'm up and found out it rained.

I decided not to go to ballet class today. It would be starting up right about now. I feel bad for not going, I practiced for so long yesterday. I stretched while listening to Les Meserables and really pushed the height of my leg on passe developes. In my plies I went for depth; how low could I go? It's no wonder I'm sore today. After all that I went biking later that evening and pushed myself even more. When I got home I made myself eat chicken and potatoes, and happily ate several pieces of watermelon. I watched Grease with my mom after dinner.

After pushing myself yesterday I'm confined to my house. That's not really fair. I want to go show Jacquie that I'm a diligent student and make up for doing so poorly yesterday. But I can't. Is it no wonder I'm not happy?

Maybe it just hormones, maybe its just the rain. But that's not a reason to be so unhappy. Jake and I just passed our eleven month mark, I'm improving in ballet class, my parents and I are getting along, I'm not in trouble and I've been keeping my room clean. By all reasons I should be happy.

I probably should go eat. Everyone thinks I'm going anorexic... Maybe I feel happier later. I hope so.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


If you watch TV you've probably seen the pullup commercials. I rarely watch TV and I've seen my fair share of them. You know there catch phrase, "I'm a big kid now?" Well right now that catchy little jingle is going through my head.

This week, I applied, for the first time, in a restruant, talking to actual people. I've applied to a few stores online and called restruants to see if they were hiring but today I took the big step and got my feet wet in the talking in person to managers thing. I collected an application at one place and applied and three. Everyone was very nice and verified what my mom said; They were not out to get me. I don't know if I'll get a job. I hope I do eventually but atleast I'm more confident. Right now I'm hoping for an interview. Because in my Future Focus class we had to do an 'interview' I'm not nervous about getting one, yet. I doubt I would have gotten the 'job' I was 'interviewing' for but I learned alot. The teacher who 'interviewed' me gave me alot of feedback, things to improve on and think about next time. Now that I kind of know what to expect and how to prepare a little bit better I'm more confident. I guess it's all a learning process.

Ballet has been going along fine, one more week to go. I actually have recieved some compliments and I've learned Jacquie wants to see me in prepointe classes asap. Thats exciting news.

Well Autumn wants me to make her a smoothie. I think its the hot weather. It seems to bother everyone. I don't like the sunbeating down on me, especially because I'm so sunburned but I like the heat. 90's is fine for me, 100's is pushing it a little though. It bugs me how everyone is blasting the AC and making me shiver all over again. I could however do without the heat during ballet class. Especially when we have to jump. Oh my gosh. We started class this week an hour eailer to try and beat the really intense heat for the poor girls who stay after one. I'm lucky I usually leave at 12:15 and this week got out at 11:15. Getting up an hour eailier though isn't so much fun.
Now to go make that smoothie...