
Sunday, July 29, 2007

Reflections of the Wedding

I just got back from the wedding! It was work but also alot of fun. The bride, who's name ironically is also Emily Rose, is very pretty and seems nice. I didn't talk with the groom Jermey but I'm sure he's great too!

When dad and I first got back to church after lunch we moved around furniture, turned on lights and got the place ready for Emily and her bridesmaids, Laura, Bethany and Anita. They were a little late but it didn't take too long to get Emily in her dress. I fetched a fan for her because it was very warm. The little flower girl was very cute. She was the daughter of Anita, the matron of honor.

All the pictures were taken beforehand and ran up until fifteen minutes of the wedding starting so most of the audience saw Emily before she walked down the aisle. The pianist played the first few notes of the procession music so I would know when to send the groom's parents down the aisle so I wasn't too nervous about that. Funny, Emily must have been really nervous, about to be married and all. I was also really nervous about sending them all down the aisle.

Nothing bad happened and I didn't miss the que. First I sent off the groom's mother Eva escorted by the usher Darrin, followed by Jermey's father Dennis. Next Emily's mother Susan was escorted by usher Eric. Out front dad walked in from a side door with Jermey. When both Darrin and Eric had returned I sent off all the bridesmaids and groomsmen, followed by Kari, the flower girl. Lauri, Emily's hair dresser and friend, and I shut the doors and adjusted Emily's dress. When the pianist began playing the bridal march we opened the doors and sent off Emily on her father Joe's arm.

I slipped in a few minutes later and watched the ceremony from the back pew. Surprisingly enough even though I'd known Emily less than two hours I almost found myself tearing up. lol Everything went fine until they lined up to light the unity candle, finding the two side candles weren't lit! Dad had asked me earilier to light them, promising that he would find matches, but neither had happened. We had both forgotten. He managed to save the day by saying,

"Excuse me we are having tecnical difficulties. Does anyone have a match? Do we have any smokers in the room?"
Someone handed him a lighter, thank goodness. I still can't beleive I forgot. Well, actually I can believe that I just hate thinking about it. I felt bad for the rest of the ceremony even as I lined everyone up for the recieveing lines afterwards. Dad and I had a little guilty laugh afterwards.

The reception was at an art gallery downtown. It was an interesting party. I'm though once dad and I had left the party was a little more wild. Drinks were in one room, as if dad would drink, and meats and fruits in another. There was some dancing and long toasts by people who were obviously NOT public speakers. When the cake was cut we made our exit.

Over all I think it was a greatly enjoyable experience. I can't wait for my next chance to play wedding hostess. Let me just remember, light the candles!


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