
Friday, July 27, 2007

I can hear the bells

Ahhh I love a wedding. Tis the season to be wedded. So far there has been two church weddings but I wasn't able to attend either. First was Matt Oaks and Joannie Young. They got married on the day of Jake's party (you can imagine where I was) at camp Arrah Wanna in the pouring rain. Hey at least its memorable and Joannie is so pretty the fact that she's soaking doesn't even make her less beautiful to look at. Second was Mike Mitchelle and Crystal. They got married in Vermont. Enough said.

Today was not a church wedding. It was Jake's mom Lisa and her boyfriend Bill. They didn't get married in a church but at a little park by a river under beautiful green trees. The sun streamed in from under the branches adding a touch of natural beauty. Everyone was dressed in light blue except the bride of course in white. Though since it's her second marriage blue would have been a more appropriate color. The cermony went on without a hitch but of course had its own little tweaks. When the first brides maid walked down the aisle half the people stood up. Since EVERYONE knows you only stand up when the BRIDE walks down the aisle, we remained sitting. I was there with Mum and Autumn. Dad was at another wedding rehersal and joined us later at the reception. Then of course the pastor forgot to seat us. Figurers, he's Lutheran. lol jk. I thought he didn't prepare very well and never personally would have chosen him but none the less the cermony was beautiful.

The reception was fun. There was plenty to eat, crackers with meat and cheese accompanied by pickles, fruits and veggies. And the cake was huge and tasty I'm told. The tables were decorated with dolphin figurine centerpieces, disposable camras to capture memories, small white doves in pairs, little white cards with small bells to ring and copper rings for to guests to wear. It was indoors, in a wooden building. The dancing was controlled by a square dancing caller so of course he had to have two dances in. The second one had a twist, he rapped it. It was a very memorable dance. I know I won't ever forget it and how much it made me giggle.

Jake drug me around (well not literally) and introduced me to many friends and relatives. I was surprised at how many people present I had already met. Braden was there to my delight. I met him at Jake's party and instantly fell in love with him. He's possibly the cutest four year old boy I've met. Even more so than Noah and he's pretty hard to beat. I couldn't resist giving Braden a few kisses when Jake wasn't looking.

Oh but Jake was truely the handsome one tonight. He had warned me via text message that he was going to look like a waiter, and he really did! The only thing he didn't realize is how much I enjoy cute waiters. Why I even proposed to one once! Jokingly of course, but I wouldn't have been to upset had he said yes! Oh but with his hair cut Jake was so adorbale! Blue really is his color. When the wedding was over and everyone lined up to great the bride and groom my mom made a comment about how she hated recieving lines. I couldn't help but think how I cared not about seeing the bride and groom but it was my waiter that I was after!

It was a very enjoyable evening. But then again, I always love a good wedding! I can only hope the next one will not be to far off into the future.


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