I'm really irritated right now. I can't find my 9th grade health syllabis. I've searched through every school paper I've filed (stashed is more like it but I got to spend the last two hours organizing it.) The recycling bin in now flooded with stupid papers with my messy hand writing (oh my gosh I can't believe I ever wrote like that!) but no health papers.
I need it to prove I've taken health to this new school is California. I've got Health 2 covered including the neat stack of tests, quizzes, free writes and note packets but I still need Health 1. grrrr I'm mad at myself for not being better at keeping this kind of stuff in an easily accessable place that is not overcrowded like it was. grrrr!
I found some "Get to know myself" thing for a class in middle school. The old answers are italized.
I Am A Person Who...
Likes things to be in a proper, logical format in which emotion plays neither a negative nor positive role and the results turn out the way they should.
computers (neopets and Sims)
Can manage to screw up even the most well defined, perfectly explained elements of my life and then do it again.
be both a girly girl and a tomboy
Cannot seem to stop making the same mistakes.
see blood.
Would Never ever be anything less than independent and secure. Oh wait...not.
ride on a boat.
Would Rather be perfect
ride on a train
Loves to express myself creatively through sound, movements and words. Making out is pretty good too. I love to swap spit.
Wants to learn how to write like Robert Penn Warren
play guitar
Used to be afraid of sharing my whole self
the dark
Would be better off if I could learn to shut my mouth
I didn't have three brothers
Is really good at offending people
being a drama queen
Gets angry when the people I love are hurt or when my loved ones act like idiots
brother teases
Has a good habit of making people feel good about themselves
giggling and laughing alot
Has a bad habit of then turning around and making those same people feel like crap.
eating like a pig.
Wishes I could change the way I view myself
fight with brother
Wishes I could change the way other people do things without any regard to how their actions affect everyone else around them. If they are like me and realize what they are doing but do so anyway then they are fine. I can deal with us smart evil people but the ones who don't even realize it? They annoy me.
view large families
Never misses watching the TV show Grey's Anatomy
Lizzie McGuire
Will someday walk away from what really hurts me and not look back
Have a large family
Would like to meet someone who will give me the chance to be a better person but love me even when I fail
Hilary Duff
Likes to eat nothing. I eat because it's required not because I enjoy it. Pasta is okay though.
Likes the song Hands on Me
Fly and The Girl Can Rock
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