
Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I need to read All The King's Men, research my topic for my research topic and figure out chemistry homework. But my head and throat hurt and I'm just so tired. I'm finally home again and all I want to do is sleep.

School is stressing me out so much. I'm just beginning to feel trapped and suffocated. It's mostly in Chem and Algebra 2, stupid 'easy' classes. I just stare at the homework and I can't do it. I feel so stupid, like I should be able to do it but I just can't. I'm so tired, too tired to ask for help. I hate my Chem student teacher, spending any extra time with her would make me sick. I might have to be tutored in math though...that's just unescapable. I really wanted to get all A's this semester but from the way things are going that isn't a reality. Hopefully my parents can handle that.

School.Ballet.Homework.Sleep. Work?

I'm feeling miserable but I have so little time left. I need to enjoy this but it's hella hard. All this stress is making me eat too much. I feel fat major. It doesn't help that Will is always screaming for starbucks and his 'fraps' and that someone is always giving me a soda or doughnut. Grrrr

I have to go to bed. Nevermind homework. I figure something out...


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