
Saturday, April 26, 2008

Newest Member of Our Family: Manisha

We are supporting a girl through World Vision! I'm really excited to being doing this. It it something our whole family wants. I picked out some kids and my brothers voted. We all agreed on Manisha.
She is 13 and from India. Last year I did a research paper on India and read about some of the horrors faced by the women of that culture so I felt that helping a young woman would be amazing.

Her stats are:

Born: Apr 27, 1995
Grade: 2
Favorite Subject: National Language
Health: Satisfactory
Favorite Play: Dolls
Gender: Girl
Chores: Cares For Animals
Country: India

Manisha lives with her parents, 1 brother, and 3 sisters. Her parents struggle to provide for the family. Her father is an agriculture worker and her mother is an agriculture laborer. Despite their efforts, it is difficult to meet the family's needs.

Manisha is growing up in a poor community in India. A typical home is constructed using wood with a thatch roof and dirt floor. Rice is a staple of the local diet, and families may also eat vegetables, cereal and beans. Some communities are able to get meat, fish and prawns as well. Plains, hills and forests mark the land.

Manisha is in primary school and she enjoys studying the national language. She helps at home by caring for the animals. She likes to play with dolls. She is in satisfactory health.

Your sponsorship commitment will help provide Manisha and her community with clean water, improved health care and hygiene and regular medical check-ups. In addition, your support provides training for children and parents to help raise the quality of life in their community. We are thankful for your commitment and your prayers so these precious children and their families are able to experience the love of God and life in all its fullness.

We are all very excited. I can't wait to start writing letters!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I need to read All The King's Men, research my topic for my research topic and figure out chemistry homework. But my head and throat hurt and I'm just so tired. I'm finally home again and all I want to do is sleep.

School is stressing me out so much. I'm just beginning to feel trapped and suffocated. It's mostly in Chem and Algebra 2, stupid 'easy' classes. I just stare at the homework and I can't do it. I feel so stupid, like I should be able to do it but I just can't. I'm so tired, too tired to ask for help. I hate my Chem student teacher, spending any extra time with her would make me sick. I might have to be tutored in math though...that's just unescapable. I really wanted to get all A's this semester but from the way things are going that isn't a reality. Hopefully my parents can handle that.

School.Ballet.Homework.Sleep. Work?

I'm feeling miserable but I have so little time left. I need to enjoy this but it's hella hard. All this stress is making me eat too much. I feel fat major. It doesn't help that Will is always screaming for starbucks and his 'fraps' and that someone is always giving me a soda or doughnut. Grrrr

I have to go to bed. Nevermind homework. I figure something out...

Friday, April 4, 2008

So Simple

I have figured something out. It's so...duh....but it took me till now to realise it.

My life is really simple.

It's the people I live with who have complicated lives.

Emotions are complex.

Actions are simple.

Motives are complex.

Impacts are simple.

What I want to do...what I am doing....what I've all really simple.

I'm a junior in high school. I'm going to go to community college to save money and then transfer to a four year university.

I like this guy and am going to wait around until he decides dating me is a good thing.

I have this hobby I really love and try to spend as much time as I can doing it. I have goals and can't wait to meet them.

I am not sure what I want to major in and pursue as a career but am exploring my interests to find out what I like and what I don't. I quit what I don't like and explore depth in what I do.

Most of my emotional 'problems' are caused by my own personal insecurities, poor body image, perfectionist tendencies and the fact that I am extremly critical of myself.

I feel so much better now. All the drama and everything is because everyone else is so complex and weird. I'm simple and straight forward. I don't know exactly where life will take me but I know where I want to go and what not to do. Thank you bad role models for making mistakes for me. I'll set my own example.

My father and I had a conversation. He was beginning to feel hesitant about a decision he had to make and the impact it would have on my life. I told him (ignoring my own need to stay in my safety zone and making an effort to try to put someone else's needs before my own) "I'll be okay."
He said, "I know you will. You're one of those people who will always be okay."

I am not them. I am simple. They are complex. I will never be them. I'll always do whatever it takes, no matter how hard, how dangerous or how hopeless. That's heart. Determination. And dreams.

I am for now and always the dreamer, Emily Rose.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I want to write now while today is still good.

Today is amazing.

Today the world is good.

Today I am soaring high.

I am in love with today.

If it could stay this way forever...