Going To Do Better
Just because I like to argue with myself....last year I was really negative so I'd like to go over a blog I wrote Janurary 1 2007.
Now that 2006 has closed and we've been slammed and tossed into 2007 I thought I should write a blog on it. It’s a new year. Translation: Remember last year? Remember how miserable and awful it was?
Actually I don’t remember anymore. Mostly I only remember this year. It’s safe to say bad things happen. There’s nothing I can do to prevent negativity from entering my life so I probably should face it with a smile. I mean I feel great.
Tomorrow I get to go back to school. I get to spend thirty hours a week riding buses. I get to listen kids harass each other and teachers yell at their students. I have the privilege of receiving hours of homework everyday. I get to eat crappy, undercooked food or carry my own crappy food. I get to have sore shoulders and back from caring around two textbooks, four notebooks and a binder in a book bag. I get to sit in classes where the teacher’s completely waste my time but colleges NEED to see that I earned A's in the classes. I get to start pulling together everything and take eight finals. I am so lucky aren't I?
Well I suppose I am lucky. I am getting an education after all. Not to mention the only reason I go to CHS is because I want to be there. Besides this year is better. I mean I still have heavy text books but thankfully I have an accessible locker to store them in. I even have friends I can take advantage of and conn them into carrying the books for me. I’ve found some good food too. I ever realized they sold canned pineapple. Plus since they stopped selling French fries I’ve been able to eat much healthier.
I want to be bored again. My heavy schedule that lasted from September to December almost killed me. I do not want to do that again. But chances are since all years are the same I will.
I probably will always kill myself during preChristmas season. It’s a good thing I like to be busy. Singing in a musical or dancing in the Nutcracker takes a lot of time and commitment but it’s worth it in the end. Christmas wouldn’t be the same without it.
I mean really, what will be different about this year? So when we said goodbye 2005 and hello 2006 I was a freshman. When we say goodbye 2007 I'll be a junior. The workloads vary and so do the classes but nothing will be different. What will be different about this year? What will be better? What will be worse? What new stuff will I do that will actually matter?
Every year is different. I’ve become such a different person this year I don’t even recognize myself. Maybe the changes were good, maybe they were bad. It’s not something anyone can prevent. It just happens. Experience changes a person. I’ve learned so much about who I am lately…I hope that by next New Year’s I will be more confident and more together. Sometimes I feel like I’m hanging together by a thread.
Do you ever think about how most everything we do doesn't matter to anyone except us? Does it ever bother you that when you're dead except your kids, cousins, nieces, nephews and grandchildren no one will ever know you existed?
Oh goodness here goes another philosophical rant. Who are we? What is the purpose of life? I am Emily and the purpose of my life is to make a life and have fun. Question solved.
A time will come when all the struggles in life are unseen by all. It won't matter at all. No one will ever know of you, what you did, or why it mattered.
Yeah that’s true but I still hope to leave behind some kind of a legacy. Actually I’m kind of pathetic so maybe it’s better if no one remembers me.
Going on the class field trip to pick up soda cans may have changed the way the park looked that week but it thirty years no one will know the difference or care.
Yeah? Well what if no one ever picked up soda cans? Then what would the park look like in thirty years? It would be damn well ruined with soda cans. So go on all your class field trips and always throw your soda cans away.
Does that bother you? Does it bother you that you work five days a week for eight hours everyday but except directly to you, your family and friends and friends?
I like benefiting myself. Buying a dress for me, helping pay for ballet class for me, having nice shoes for me. I don’t want to support the world. I’m happy just taking care of me.
Welcome to the first day of 2007. Hopefully it will be a good year for you. It will probably look a lot like last year and the year before that. Nothing really ever changes, nothing really matters.
It did change though and it does matter. I have no idea where 2008 is going to take me. It’s a journey I guess. I don’t like thinking of life in years. It makes me feel like time is slipping away…that I don’t have as much time as I used to think.
There is a constant battle inside me.
Part of me wants to grow up NOW
Part of me is afraid to age. Part of me doesn’t want to stop being a teenager. Part of me likes being able to go around and cause trouble and be dismissed as ‘oh just a teenager.’ What’s going to happen when I actually have to be good?
Right now I’m in this awesome position. The middle schoolers and freshman look up to me. I can give them advice as someone who’s been through everything. But in a year or two that’s not going to happen anymore. It’s like getting kicked out of a club because you’re an adult. No one cares about adult advice. That’s just a fact. Everyone knows adults are out to get you.
Well…happy 2008 I guess. We’ll see how this goes. I hope it's an incredible year for all of us.