Guide to Surviving College With A Baby
After a semester of balancing baby and school work, I feel like an expert on this topic. It was pretty intimidating when I first started, but once I was settled and learned the routine, it really wasn't that bad. It may not be the same as back in the pre-baby days, but it definitely works. How do you do it? It is pretty simple really.
Step 1
Step 1
Find a Sitter You Love and Feel Comfortable With
Figuring out who should be responsible for the little bundle of joy is not as simple as picking out what to eat for breakfast. There are many things to take in to consideration. Whether you do decide to leave the baby with a trusted family member, a nanny or a reputable daycare, make sure it’s a good fit
before classes start. The middle of English Composition class is not the ideal moment for wondering how many times your little one has been fed and changed in the last few hours.
It's very important that you are able to clearly focus and participate in class. A little separation anxiety-from both you and baby- is normal and to be expected, but both of you should be happy and comfortable with your sitter. Trust is fundamental so don’t be afraid to explore all your options.
It's very important that you are able to clearly focus and participate in class. A little separation anxiety-from both you and baby- is normal and to be expected, but both of you should be happy and comfortable with your sitter. Trust is fundamental so don’t be afraid to explore all your options.
Step 2
Get Organized
Before bedtime, the night before is the best time to begin collecting and organizing everything you and your baby will need in the morning. Waiting until the last minute can start the day off feeling rushed and stressed. It's not possible to predict and plan ahead for everything the morning might throw your way, but you can minimize on stress by preparing as much as possible. Find all your textbooks and notebooks, pick out
clothes the night before, restock the diaper bag, pack lunch and snacks and
prepare bottles.
Step 3
Prepare for Class
Pre-read the chapter before class and if the teacher uploads
the power-points online, print out ahead of time. If you already have some idea
of what the teacher is going to go over in class, you will be more focused and
have a step up on everyone else in class. It's not necessary for you to master the material before class but do try to have a general idea of what is going to be taught.
Step 4
Pay Attention and Take Really Good Notes In Class
The more you learn in class, the less studying you will have
to do at home. There will be days when despite best intentions, you will not be able to study. There will be nights when sleep is a wishful thought and mornings that drag. For those days when dragging yourself to class is all that can be accomplished, you will be grateful for not feeling lost and understanding the lesson.
If you don’t have good note taking skills, now is the time to learn and perfect. Tip, make sure to write down anything the teacher repeats multiple times and everything they write on the board. After a while you should get used to the individual teacher's style and know what to expect in terms of material on the tests and quizzes. Some teachers are very lecture oriented, others stick to the textbook. You’ll have to find out your teacher’s style.
If you don’t have good note taking skills, now is the time to learn and perfect. Tip, make sure to write down anything the teacher repeats multiple times and everything they write on the board. After a while you should get used to the individual teacher's style and know what to expect in terms of material on the tests and quizzes. Some teachers are very lecture oriented, others stick to the textbook. You’ll have to find out your teacher’s style.
Step 5
Maximize Study Time
The best way to study, along with how long, varies from person to person. It
depends greatly on your own learning style. I advise you to take full advantage of any services
offered by your college such as tutoring, quiet area in library to study, media center
and study groups. When you find
something that works for you, stick with it.
I discovered that I could not study at home. The baby was always doing one of the following:
being irresistibly cute, getting into trouble or needing something. However, I quickly learned that I could accomplish quite a bit in a short time. Having 6 hours of uninterrupted study time is a luxury few parents have. However after awhile, you’ll also be amazed at the amount of studying you can get done in 1 hour, especially if you’ve taken good notes. Speaking of, make sure to review your notes as well as read your textbook.
I discovered that I could not study at home. The baby was always doing one of the following:
being irresistibly cute, getting into trouble or needing something. However, I quickly learned that I could accomplish quite a bit in a short time. Having 6 hours of uninterrupted study time is a luxury few parents have. However after awhile, you’ll also be amazed at the amount of studying you can get done in 1 hour, especially if you’ve taken good notes. Speaking of, make sure to review your notes as well as read your textbook.
Step 6
Do Not and I Repeat Do Not Procrastinate
Tip, if your teacher allows you turn assignments in early, do it.
Most likely you will have to work on longer assignments, such as essays, in
multiple chunks. Do not wait until the night before it is due.
Step 7
Get To Know Your Teacher and Let Them Know You Are a Parent
The purpose is not to get special treatment. Teachers are usually very willing to work with good students and they appreciate
honesty. If you consistently are on time for class and generally do well on the assignments, and end up coming in to class one day very late because of a sick baby, the teacher will most likely be understanding after you've explained.
Step 8
Don’t Forget To Have A Good Time
College is stressful for everyone. It’s not meant to be
easy, but that doesn’t mean it should be misery. Get to know your classmates
and have a good time. School can be a lot of fun if you let it be.
Always I wonder how you do it, the world has put so much on you but you still troop on, not only do you get through these challenges but you perfect how to go about them as they happen, you never seize to amaze me.
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