
Sunday, October 17, 2010

Not All That Excited

I just turned in my first essay of the school year. Classes are going alright, though online distance learning isn't exactly what I'd call exciting.

I try not to go outside very often. Usually it's hot but sometimes it cools down. It did rain today but I've been sick lately so I didn't spend any time enjoying it. My life involves going out to fast food places with my family, church on the weekends and a trip to Walmart every two weeks or so. I wouldn't say there is anything exciting about my life. Normally I am always busy so this slow paced nothing-ness drives me crazy. I'm leaving for Oregon soon, but I have more to dread then be excited about.

I did go to Disneyland last week. That was a fun day. I got a new Eeyore mug to add to my small collection.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

The End of the Fair

The LA County fair is over! It's a sad feeling and a relief both at the same time. I don't think I want to go back to another fair again for a long time

Other than getting all my assignments tomorrow and possibly going to the doctor for a blood test I get to relax for the next couple of days. I've been feeling rather puny lately and had lots of fun times throwing up, not, so I'm pretty happy to have some relaxing coming up.

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