
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Can't Imagine Not Moving

I know a couple of people who have never ever moved in their entire lives. They came home from the hospital in the same house they are sleeping in right now. Me, my life didn't work like that.

My brothers and I refer to houses by their street names. I can't imagine what it would be like to grow up in one house and not leave. Not having to switch schools, not having to say goodbye to all your friends and promise to keep in touch, even though you won't.

At some point though I just said fuck it. I'm not doing the cross country moving thing again. I've lived in enough cities to know that I want to live right here, not in California. Will my mother let me? Absolutely not.

It really irritates me when at this point people tell me to understand how she feels. I honestly don't care if she misses me. She's almost pushed me to the point where I want her to cut me off completely. If it wasn't for my 5 siblings I might have already done it.

I claim the right to be selfish. I claim the right to live my own life. I claim the right to be happy.

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Blogger Mallory Bewley Photography said...

I went through the controlling thing with my mom too...everything had to be her way. Had to go to the college she chose, still live with her not on campus or with a friend, she had to know my where abouts 24/7, and I had to ask permission b4 I went anywhere and I was 19 years old! I wasn't a wild kid, I never even got into trouble....she was just strict. She'll come around. I had to run off and not speak to mine for a few months to prove my point, but that was a mistake that I can't take back. I hurt too many ppl in the whatever you do to prove your point, just make sure it doesn't end up hurting anyone. Because she's your mom, the only one you'll ever have. She's just being "motherly" lol. You'll understand when you have a baby one day...I do now! But I know how you feel trust me! and if you need to talk, I'm here. Practically a complete stranger that doesn't know anyone you know so you can say anything to me and I wont and cant blab lol. And I'll give you my honest opinion on the subject. Just think about it! good luck!

Monday, June 14, 2010  
Blogger Emily said...

Thanks Mallory. I try to understand it from her point of view, it must be hard having to let go of your children. But some days it's just too much and she drives me up a wall. I don't want to hurt her, I just want to be me.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010  

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