
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Will Monday Morning Kill Me?

In the back of my mind I'm vaguely aware of things like Grammys and budgets but my brain is too wrapped around a mess of realtors and school work to really be aware of them. I seem to spend a lot of time wondering about how long I have home...with the ever changing house offers and potential escro timelines, 45 days, 30 days, 100 days, 60 days, 20 days, tomorrow....

I save my dad sometimes and call him prattling on about how the Bible could have been translated if the Hebrew language doesn't contain any vowels? and how the first mile I've ran in a year almost killed me and that I've lost my 9.06 mile time because it somehow became 10.30.

Then I get to thinking about how cute my new hair cut is and how Alex is going to kill me when I tell him what I accidentally did.


But finally I realize the end to a weekend isn't the end of my life and that I will pass my final exam tomorrow and that I will be able to wake up at 5 in the morning for clinical. And maybe Alex won't kill me. 

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lovely Saturday

You want to know what's amazing? Saturdays.

I wasn't planning on it, but since I didn't get home from babysitting until 2 in the morning I lazily spent the morning in my bed. Around noon I woke up.

My toe nails are red. My shirts and pants are folded in my dresser. A load of laundry is in the dryer. Desy's cage is clean and I remembered to feed Fishy-Ponton. I have about eight braids in my hair and vanilla lotion on my legs.

Relaxing is lovely. I feel good. Partying is over rated.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

No Partys For Me This Weekend

Somehow I managed to pass my skills test even though I put the anti emoblism sock upside and on the wrong foot. I'm not even kidding. Thank God it wasn't the real test.

The quiz was easy though. The final is on Monday and then Clinical starts bright and early on Tuesday morning at 6:30. (I thought the 7:30 starting time was bad enough.)

Tomorrow is Friday which means babysitting Marley and Dane in the afternoon. I'm hoping I might squeeze in some time at the gym since I haven't been there this week and then I think I have a date with some nyquil. Seriously, I need to rest this weekend, not pass out on someone's couch at three in the morning. I've got a final to study for and still need to work on memorizing all my skills. Plus I need to write an essay and go get fingerprinted.

After a long week I like to unwind and have fun but this week rest and rejuvenation sounds better. Anyone for yoga?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Studying, Flashcards and Blood Pressure

The glaring light from the computer screen is giving me a headache. It's 10:16 and in 14 minutes I'm going to be curled up in my bed.

I could stay up and flash notecards in front of my eyes, trying to make my sleepy brain register what's going on, reread the chapters on pain and death and dying for the quiz tomorrow or maybe even stare at my skill sheets and try to memorize every single step to all 40 something of the skills I have. I'm going to bed.

Today I woke up and was able to do blood pressure. Last night I still didn't quite have it but I was able to get 2 numbers on all the people I practice on today. This makes me extremely happy.

Wish me luck on my mock testing tomorrow. I'm glad I didn't get called on today. Need to pass this so I can start clinical on Tuesday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Measure 66 and 67 Passed. I'm Too Wrapped Up In Thesis Statements and Bed Baths To Care

I'm tired. College does that to you. it throws at you more than you can handle. But you get through it because that's the way it is. 

The sparkly watch on my left wrist has proved to be very convenient for people such as myself who suffer from time anxiety but it's really annoying to wear. It startles me when silence is interrupted to the slight tick toc sound. It could be worse I guess, but I don't like it.

Other things I don't like, money problems. You know what the problem with budgeting is? Every time I get one all figured out I realize I've forgotten an item or two. Let me guess, many many other people also have this problem?

Friday, January 22, 2010

Compliments Make My Day

This made my day:

"Good job in your responses to others! I'm sure they find them helpful."

What was my writing teacher talking about? My essay critiques. I spent a really long time reading my classmates essays and trying to give them the best feedback I could. I am one of two people that the teacher directly said we were doing a good job. I'm so excited!

I babysat for five hours today so now I'm excited to go hang out and have a good time. It's Friday night. =)

Drinking some coffee now so I won't get tired anytime soon!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I Have To Be Better Than You

My legs are sore today.

Last night when my family left me alone in scary, dark house (yes I'm afraid of being left alone inside a house) I went to the gym. I was going to walk (brisk) 3 miles since I'm supposed to be able to jog 3 miles by the end of the month. It took me over 30 minutes to make it to 2 miles and my heart rate was bouncing up past 150 and I was sweating in my t shirt and sweats.

Sometimes i have to remind myself the whole point in being athletic is being able to do things that are hard, things that ordinary people struggle with or flat out can't do. Yes I am Emily and I do need to better than the ordinary person. I'm still not sure what exactly better means...but it does mean I have to be able to jog 3 miles in the near future.

I've also been stretching my side splits a lot. I measured my starting point and I'm looking forward to seeing how many centimeters of flexibility I've achieved by the end of the month. Some nights I don't stretch because I'm so tired. Life is pretty fact I'm usually the most exhausted on weekends! 

Not that my friends understand that. Except Alex. He understands.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vital Signs

Today we learned how to take vital signs...temperature, pulse, breathing, blood pressure, height and weight.

Taking blood pressure is harder than it looks! And after having mine taken a total of 4 times today I don't have any desire to head to a doctor's office anytime soon.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Are You Kidding Me? Gosh.

I guess I shouldn't say that I want to be financially independent because as soon as I start making progress insane things happen! The idea of emergency funds (at least the small percentage that I would be able to put in the fund) wouldn't even begin to cover what I'm trying to deal with right now.

First off there was the no-financial aid bomb. Thankfully I was finally able to get the 891 dollars I was eligible for and (hopefully) secure a 700 dollar subsidized Stafford loan (federal govt pays interest while I'm in school.)

Yesterday I was dreaming about how I could spend the little extra money I had on things I want/need but have been pushing off for forever now. I made a list and decided that every two weeks, when I get paid, I could buy one item off the list. Great idea right? At the top of my list was a new wallet (I've had my red one for 6 years now) and a zebra purse (I've had my black purse for 4 years now.) Just thinking about it made me excited.

My five month old phone just broke.

Thanks to my mom I have no insurance and warranty isn't going to cover it. But there is no way I'm giving up on my wallet and purse. Another item on my list? New pair of jeans (from the 20 dollar rack of course). I only have two pairs suitable for babysitting and one of them has a big hole in the knee. The other pair is a hand-me-down that looks like should have been worn in the 70's.  Also on this list include the necessary laptop case, the decorative laptop skin, some new makeup from Target to replace my ever dwindling supply at home and eventually maybe even a book or two.

Realistically if I even get the wallet I will be lucky.

Hopefully I am getting close to having a CNA job...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New in the Lab

My last two mornings have compromised of attempting skills on my fellow student CNAs. Yesterday we started with the basics of helping a person to walk with a gait or transfer belt. We also worked with wheelchairs, canes and walkers. We finished up the day with range of motion exercises on all the joints. Today was personal care so we brushed each others teeth. It takes a bit of a stomach to watch a person spit into an emisis basin.

Then we followed procedures for teeth brushing of an unconscious person. For denture care we just cleaned them out in the sink. On a manican we shampooed hair. On each other we soaked fingernails and feet and learned nail care. 

Tomorrows skills include perineal care and ostomy care. That should be interesting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Look At Me

Check out the scrubs! Oh yeah. I'm living the Grey's Anatomy life now. Well...not really since nursing assistant student does not equal fictional surgical resident.

But I thought I'd share. Because I think it's exciting.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Week Can Change Everything

This morning while I was trailing behind Joe as we walked into the church, between my wonder at the stark differences between myself and my eldest brother who was known by many of the church staff members and all the greeters even though as many as three thousand people attend services in a single weekend, and myself who with crossed arms avoided eye contact with anyone who might willfully stick their germ infested hand out towards me and force me to shake it, that a week really can change anything. More so it can change everything.

A week of waking up before the sun's premiere is a lifetime for me. Somewhere between the notes I scribbled inside my pink three subject notebook and the list which explained what color scrubs I need to buy, was the idea of security. I, of all people, should know better. Security doesn't exist in my life.

In retrospect it's my own fault. I didn't realize the nursing assistant class didn't qualify for financial aid, leaving me five quarters away from the full time status I needed to qualify for the seventeen hundred dollars I was depending on. My mother thought to comfort me by saying, "You'll get everything you want, just not necessarily in the time you want it," and then thought herself to be clever by leaving a sheet of paper by the coffee machine in the morning with Plan B written in pencil at the top. Last time I checked Plan B is the pill women take after having unprotected sex. But in this case Plan B is the community college my mom thinks I ought to go to, conveniently located in southern California.

I can assuredly tell you Plan B is crumpled somewhere in the backseat of my car.

What the financial office was able to do for me was to change my status to half time so that I can receive eight hundred dollars. A subsidized Stafford loan can pay the difference. My mom wasn't exactly doing cartwheels when I gave her the happy news.

Instead she's began a campaign against my boyfriend, and become completely apathetic to my struggles in securing the loan and continuing to sort out the mess I'm in at this late hour. Not that I'm the only child to be neglected by our dear maternal figure at this moment, she spent the entire time we were shoe shopping on her cell phone. Thomas only has shoes because I found pairs in the right size and sat with him while he tried them on. The cell phone call extended to the trip to Target where I eventually grabbed on to Sarah's hand as she was starting to wail and answered all four hundred of her questions as we walked to the check stand.

My mother is currently doing a great job of crushing any desire I have to eventually migrate south.

Thus I will continue to live my life day by day. Planning for the future is to difficult.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Winter Term

Classes start tomorrow. My winter schedule is as follows:

Nursing Assistant:
7:30-12:15 for the first 4 weeks
6:30-3:00 for 2 weeks



Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's A Rich Man's World

I have to start budgeting.

I'm not irresponsible with money. In fact, I hardly spend money on myself at all. I bought a 40 dollar dress for Halloween that I also wore for New Years and a bra that actually fit from Walmart. That's all I can remember.

The rest went to food, gas, medicine, CPR class, background check, Christmas presents, textbooks and school. My parents covered my cell phone bill, dance classes, car insurance, car repairs and the majority of my food. Ouch.

So yes, I need to budget. I closed my savings account when it got so low I was losing money and instead of gaining and got a free checking account instead back in October. I am proud to say I have never spent more than I have. I also have my debit card from Mount Hood with my financial aid for school.

Now that I have a part time nanny job I'm hoping I can close some gaps. If all goes well I should be getting my CNA certification in February or March after which I will begin searching for an actual job. I need to start saving but first I need to actually break even, instead of scrounging for gas money like I've been doing.

Hence the budgeting, so that this is actually possible. I've realized even if I'm responsible with my money if I don't have a plan in place it's easy to lose track of where the money is going, whether that be in trips to Rite Aid or the school cafeteria.

I wonder how many years it will take me to become completely financially independent from my parents. Hopefully I'm heading in the right direction.

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 New Years Goals

2010 seems so strange and foreign. Here is to a new year waiting to be filled with memories.

1. Get a job
2. Try a different form of dance
3. Maintain between a 3.5 and 4.0
4. Finish writing book
5. Continue friendships and begin new ones

Results From Last Years Goals

I hate it when people ask me about my new years resolution, because then I'm forced to admit that I did not complete my 2009 goals.

So, because this is my game and I make up my own rules, I've granted myself a one month extension.

2009 In review

1. Education

NO - maintain between a 3.5 and 4.0
YES - graduate high school
YES - start college

2. Ballet

-improve flexibility
  • extensions EXT
  • arabeque EXT
  • penche EXT
  • backcatch EXT
  • middle splits EXT
  • right and left oversplits EXT
  • bridge EXT

-improve strength
  • extentions EXT
  • develope EXT
  • ankles YES
-pointe work
  • pirroutte YES
  • less wobble YES
  • turns YES
  • more steps YES
3. General Fitness

-8 minute mile EXT
-jog three miles EXT
-30 quick, full pushups EXT

My 2010 list of goals is going to be shorter and more manageable I think.