Are You Kidding Me? Gosh.
I guess I shouldn't say that I want to be financially independent because as soon as I start making progress insane things happen! The idea of emergency funds (at least the small percentage that I would be able to put in the fund) wouldn't even begin to cover what I'm trying to deal with right now.
First off there was the no-financial aid bomb. Thankfully I was finally able to get the 891 dollars I was eligible for and (hopefully) secure a 700 dollar subsidized Stafford loan (federal govt pays interest while I'm in school.)
Yesterday I was dreaming about how I could spend the little extra money I had on things I want/need but have been pushing off for forever now. I made a list and decided that every two weeks, when I get paid, I could buy one item off the list. Great idea right? At the top of my list was a new wallet (I've had my red one for 6 years now) and a zebra purse (I've had my black purse for 4 years now.) Just thinking about it made me excited.
My five month old phone just broke.
Thanks to my mom I have no insurance and warranty isn't going to cover it. But there is no way I'm giving up on my wallet and purse. Another item on my list? New pair of jeans (from the 20 dollar rack of course). I only have two pairs suitable for babysitting and one of them has a big hole in the knee. The other pair is a hand-me-down that looks like should have been worn in the 70's. Also on this list include the necessary laptop case, the decorative laptop skin, some new makeup from Target to replace my ever dwindling supply at home and eventually maybe even a book or two.
Realistically if I even get the wallet I will be lucky.
Hopefully I am getting close to having a CNA job...
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