
Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Newest Disease Is A Yeast Infection

Let's face it: I'm in love.

I realized that there is a difference from loving someone and being in love with someone. Within the being in love category are several levels of intensity. I'm discovering them all for myself.

Do you know what's even better than feeling in love? Knowing the feeling is returned. I don't care to look back on my previous relationships and obsessions because the common factor in many of them was simply that the feeling was not mutual.

Yet, here I am, almost six months with a guy I never expected to give me a second glance! A guy I've never been in a fight with. A guy who is my complete opposite: extroverted, outgoing, calm, optimistic easy going. I'm the girl who is wrapped up in her shell in front of strangers and constantly bickering with my friends, always expecting the worse.

Somehow, I'm with Alex, who calms me, gives me advice when I'm having trouble reaching a decision, tells me I'm beautiful (even the little lump on my neck), and listens to me talk and rant. He lets me have his old beanie hat and wear his boxers. He even let me throw him a dinosaur party while wearing a strapless dress and fell asleep with me on a couch barely big enough for one person, let alone two.

So yes, I love Alex. I really really do.


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