
Friday, June 5, 2009

High School Graduate

I graduated from high school this week.

When saying the word, graduated, it doesn't seem like a big deal but it is.

It's not that I pulled together an SSE (I exceeded and raised the bar for all transfer students. I am perfectly content to brag), completed more than 26 credits, completed CIM (which is no longer recognized) along with all the other "high school" requirements. I completed an entire 12 years of school.

12 years is a long time.

Back in first grade I was learning to read and add numbers. I've come a long way since then.

I'm heading off to Mt. Hood in the fall. I had been planning on going to Cal State Fullerton but moving threw me off. When people ask me if I plan to stay in Oregon or in California, I never know what to tell them. The answer is simply, I don't know.

The future is confusing for me. I have to take it moment by moment or else it completely throws me off.

But I hope good things will happen.


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