
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Benched 60 Pounds

You shouldn't love someone who makes you unhappy.

You shouldn't stay with someone who cheats on you.

Yet so many people do. How strange.

My PE final is one rep maxium for bench and squat. I thought mine was going to be 55 pounds for both, but my teacher pulled a fast one on me today when he wrote 60 on my paper.

I started freaking out, I could bench 55 once or twice. Never had I even attempted 60. Mostly I just warm up with 35 pounds and then bench 45 pounds. Sometimes I'll do 50. Why? Because I'm not focused on building muscle and I'm not training for a sport. 45 pounds feels like it's giving me a workout so I stick with it. After these years of learning how to exercise I've learned that it's important to listen to your body.

Squats, I wasn't worried about it. As a ballet dancer, I find any position where I purposely stick my rear out to be against my training. From day one of dance I've learned to hold my stomach in and my tailbone down. Therefore, squatting is very awkard for me. However, I have strong legs and I'm not worried about the weight at all. I'm pretty sure I could squat 90 pounds if I had too.

My first few attempts at the bench press didn't go well. My spotters had to help me. I felt defeated and depressed. All around me I watched guys struggle...and fail. I hate failure. I could never push myself to the degree those guys do. It's hard for me to even imagine.

After watching my friend stuggle and eventually suceed to press 200 pounds I found the motivation to try again. I decided to have my teacher watch, in the rare chance that I was sucessful. Well, I did it! I am so proud of myself. I, Emily, can bench 60 pounds. It's hard as fuck, but wow, what an acomplishment! I feel like I've come along way since the first time I tried to bench press.


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