
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Thank You Miss English Teacher

Thank you Miss English Teacher. I just finished page 581 of the novel that made Ralph Ellison famous.

You do know who that is right? Well, if he is anything like the protagonist, you couldn't possibly because he is invisble.

Dear Miss English Teacher, I've learned so many new things reading this fine, historical novel. Such as, there is a very easy way to make people feel they are obligated to feel sorry for you: be black. Character? That means nothing. Race is everything afterall. The white man, what horror, who persecutes invisible man, who choses not to see him. This poor poor man, the victim of a power hungry professor who betrays him to save his own butt and refers to him using the N word the most time in the novel....oh wait he was black. Nevermind. Racial loyalty didn't go as far after the end of slavery.

Of course the white man can't all be bad. The wonderful communist organization called Brotherhood took him off the streets and gave the man with a lost identity a new identity. Oh wait, they were just using him. He rejects Ras the Destroyer, the nationalist, who preached on the streets of black men coming together and forgetting everything white. So he ended up make enemies of the black and white communities.

Not to forget the white women. Brother Jack's mistress doesn't think the Invisible Man, the organization's token black person, is black enough. The woman from Women's Quater takes him home and seduces him, saying his voice is primitive. And Sybil, tells him of her fantasy to be raped by a black man. Oh how delightful!

But these are not the only lessons you've taught us.
  • If you are young and in love, you are a fool.
  • People die before they realize they wasted their life.
  • Marriage does not bring happiness.
  • The doctors have diagnosed a alarming growing trend termed the 'housewives condition.' A large number of young women are not going to college and jumping straight into the role of wife and mother. And they are perfectly miserable.

Yes thank you Miss English Teacher. I'll make sure to take these lessons to heart as I live my life. I appreciate your choice in literature and complete neglect to writing assingnments. After all the course is called AP Composition instead of AP Literature. But thank you, thank you.


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