
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Not Strong Enough

I worked really hard in ballet class today but I'm at a problem.

Whenever we do developpes,I end up with my leg being somewhere around a 90 degree angle with the floor. Then, my teacher comes up behind me and picks up my leg way up high. I have the flexibility so it doesn't hurt at all, but I have no where near the strength to get it up there on my own.

So I need to work. Improve my core? Or just practice all the time? I'm not really sure.

In Pointe class for the last exercise we did pique turns and I actually did a full turn en pointe! It was really exciting. My teacher told me I had it, I just needed to work on my coordination.

So I guess I had a pretty good day. My legs are pretty sore from the jogging yesterday but I guess that's good because it means I did something right.


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