Starting Homework
I began my homework today. I opened up Invisable Man with the intension of reading all six chapters but only finished the first one. I plan to read some more tonight though.
In addition to reading, for English I also need to write a rough draft Cause and Effect essay. Then my French teacher assigned four half page writing assignments. No essays for math, just a page of bookwork. For economics, Mr. Sieg gave us a sheet with ten essay questions on it. Five of them will be on the final. So I plan on writing ten essays for econ as well.
My dad filled up my gas tank for me today at Costco. We went into the store to buy some water and tomatoe sauce and I had my glasses adjusted. They are always slipping down my nose so the lady bent the ends so they curve around my ears. So far it seems to be working great.
Did you know there are only two months until my birthday?
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