Too Much Homework When I'm This Tired
I'm in a good mood right now. I just finished a project for economics. We wrote a page summary on an article of our choosing on inflation or unemployment in the last year. We have to present them orally over the next two days. I wrote mine on an article from January 2008 that talks about the warning signs of unemployment. I wrote a page and a half and practiced talking a couple of times. I went through it once with my dad because talking in front of the class makes me pretty nervous and he gave me some pointers for starting and ending.
J says Clackamas gets the day off again tomorrow. They are hoping the snow/ice will last all week, making winter break three weeks long. Of course K is making me going to the gym with her tomorrow, bye bye late start extra sleep, I'm getting up at 5:30. Hopefully, anyways. I'm excited about Friday though, it's a half day. I just have to survive school until then. I have so much more homework tonight! I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do, and what I'm going to skip. I'm really tired right now.
Well I need to write a paragraph in french about what I did over the weekend. Funny, but I'm starting to perfer talking in French to writing.
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