
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Last Day Of Freedom

Today marked the last day of freedom until Spring Break. I finished up my french homework and now am about to finish my math. I am glad I spread it out over the last few days. Getting up early tomorrow does not sound like fun.

I am excited about going back to school for one reason: K's birthday is tomorrow. I have everything planned out. Tomorrow I'm going to wrap up our locker in wrapping paper. I have five gifts, one to leave her in the locker every day this week. I also have a bow and a ballon for every day too. I baked her chocholate chip cookies (her favorite dessert) for lunch tomorrow.

She had a mini party last night. We went over to her house then to a drive in movie theater. We needed two cars because there were six of us and I joked about who should drive since I am driving with an Oregon license, K can't drive other people around and the other guy's plate were expired. Lol but none of us got pulled over so we were okay.

The drive in movie was cool, I'd never been to one before. In fact the only time I'd even seen one was in those old movies. It was a double feature so we settled in front of screen four and watched Valkyrie. However, K wanted to see the Day the Earth Stood Still for the next movie which was at screen three. So she walks up the workers and says she lost her ticket and asks for the radio station. At the end of Valkyrie we drive over near Screen three but there are metal cones blocking it. However, we find an opening just big enough to drive through. K drives through but before I can we get stopped by the workers that K already tipped off.

They actually were pretty nice about it, though everyone in K's car got kicked out. He didn't kick anyone in my car out because my brother had said "she's about to drive through" and he told us he liked the honesty. That and I still technically hadn't broken any rules yet.

We went back to her friend's Morman Church and played hide and seek in the dark instead (which in my opinion was more fun than watching another movie).

It was fun night. Ugh waking up is going to be a butt.


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