
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Classes '10

Spring Schedule

Beg Algebra 2

8:00-9:50 M/W; 8:00-8:50 F

10:00-10:50 M/W/F

Intro to Economics
11:00-12:20 M/W

Beg Swimming
9:00-10:20 T/Th

Language and Culture
Independent Study

Intro to Comparative Politics

Can't wait to start tomorrow!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Welcome Tia

I don't know if I ever really thought I'd get to this point, but here I am, moved into Breezy's room, absorbing the last few days of Spring Break.

We drove to Vancouver today and bought a friend for Desy. Desy doesn't quite yet know that this is her new friend, she already tried to eat her once today, but I'm hoping the future will turn out happy and social for the both of them.

Her name is Tianna, Tia for short. She is only 6 weeks old but very loving. It's a little tricky introducing them because Desy is 5 months. Rats can be very territorial but they are social animals. They like to cuddle up together. So I'm glad for my rash choice.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Life and Death

Last night I walked into Breezy’s bedroom, which was in the middle of being transformed into our room, sat down in the corner between Alex and Breezy, and said, “I need a couple of shots.” Yesterday was unbelievable.

It started off with the arrival of the moving crew of two, who packed our furniture and boxes into two Pods. I got ready to go petition at the library and gathered up the fishbowl. Breezy and I had decided it was in Fishy-Ponton’s best interest for him to go to a pet store that will rehome fish. As I drove, I made sure to stay on the brakes and drive as smoothly and perfect as I could. It was going great, until I missed the street and made a sharp right turn into a neighborhood street. As you might guess, the fishbowl completely flipped over and landed bottom side up, water and fish going all over the passenger seat floor.

After I managed to stop the car and pick up the fishbowl, it had already been seven or eight seconds. Then I had to find the fish, throw him into the bowl, while desperately scooping water off the ground. He didn’t make it.

Long story short. I get home and he is still alive. How?

What I especially wasn't expecting was Will drama.

I spent an hour driving around, searching for my him, when he refused to answer his phone and it was time to go to dinner. Nerves turned to dread...had he and his girlfriend Carissa run away? I asked everyone I saw, had they seen a young couple of 13 and 14 walking around?

An hour later my mom finally called. Clackamas County had picked him and his friends up. They vandalized a foreclosed house and were drinking. At first I was so relieved that he was safe I burst into tears. Jail is bad but jail means he's local and that he isn't running away.

But the fact that my 14 year old brother is charged with burglary and an mip is enough to turn half the hairs on my head gray.  Aiiii

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St Patty's Day. Happy Birthday Grammy

I have a new temporary job. It's pretty brutal, but every bit of money I earn goes into a savings account that is yet to created. The thought of that is keeping me going.

I'm a circulator, or petitioner if you will. I stand outside and ask people if they will sign to continue funding for parks. You'd think that since everyone likes parks this would be relatively easy. It's not. Still I'm grateful for the job and going to stick it out.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Babyshower Number 2 for 2010

After today's baby shower marshmallow game, I may never eat a single marshmallow again without feeling sick. How many marshmallows can you fit inside your mouth and still be able to say the babies name? For me it was four before I started to gag. It was a pretty funny game though.

After the party we drove to the hospital to actually see Phaedra. She was born about a month ago weighing two pounds. Today my first time inside an NICU. I felt bad for being more interested in the equipment then the actual baby. I'm not sure if I'd want to be a neonatal nurse or doctor. Can you imagine putting tubes into an impossibly small body? I can't.

We figured daddy was gonna bolt as soon as baby was born but he seems to be attached to Phaedra. I hope it lasts for mommy and baby's sake. They make a cute couple anyways. I like them together.

Alex keeps pestering me to tell him whether he should go into the navy or not. He probably should, but do any of us actually think he will? Highly unlikely. And we are absolutely not getting married. yuck. I'm not like Lauren.

But I'm starting to have the feeling if I wait until the normal age of 25 to start a family that I might be the last one. Oh goodness. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Never Really Cared For Opinions

I just remembered why I avoid political/religious articles on the internet. Honestly, I think other people's opinions are annoying. At least I don't expect anyone to care about mine except for my family who is privileged to hear my rants about everything wrong with the world. Measure 66 and 67. Cough!

Above Rubies
usually starts it for me. The magazine is about as conservative as you can get. The editors only eat unprocessed, raw food, have more children than we have eggs in our refrigerator, have more grandchildren than how many crackers Joe, Will and I used to eat when we were little and government schooling is about as popular as kissing a scorpion. For some sadistic reason I continue to read each issue that comes in the mail and try to ignore the articles where families have grieved having discovered that by using birth control they murdered dozens of poor, innocent babies because statements like this make me want to hurl tomatoes.

I suppose the world doesn't have a place for economically conservative, socially moderate yet feminist hating, prochoice supporting liberals like me. On an article about Roy Ashburn, the columnist decided to throw in a Dr. Seuss quote (who still has me baffled on how you can go to the north-eastern west part Of South Carolina) "oppression is oppression, no matter how right-wing." It's my new favorite quote though I haven't quite figured out what it actually means yet.

I am a contradiction. In my world the chicken and the egg both came first. But they also don't really exist. The chicken and the egg are imaginary. They represent what you want so badly to be true and can see with your eyes, but in the back of your head you have the vague understanding don't really exist. It's a social problem, it's a debt that you owe yourself. It's the god that will take you to heaven, it's the answer to moral dilemmas. It's critical thinking, it's analysis. What is it? It's everything with substance that isn't tangible.

Go see Alice in Wonderland. 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Hate Packing But I Like Shopping

I went shopping today at Old Navy and drug Alex along with me. When was the last time I went shopping? The problem is everything I bought has summer written all over it. Oregon spring weather isn't warm enough to wear flimsy skirts and dresses though the stores still sell them like it is.

Still I made it out of the store with 2 pairs of flip flops, zebra and pink, Alex found the zebra for me, a white peasant skirt and one of the long sundresses I swore I'd never ever buy. They are the kind of dresses hippies in downtown Portland wear (yes I saw them on hippies when I was working at Saturday Market last Saturday). Plus I always thought they were kind of hideous. In fact the whole reason I even tried the dress on was to prove to Alex about how horrid they are. And then I saw it on me and kind of liked it so I made Alex promise not to tell anyone what a hypocrite I am and bought the dress.

 Right now I can do clothes. I can't really do anything except pack, work and study. This month really is a downer.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

1 Year

Happy anniversary? When you get stoned, do you even remember? It's been a year. 365 days. Does that matter to you at all?

Friday, March 5, 2010


It's people like you who make it so that people like me are never truly happy. It's boyfriends like mine who can never raise their voice at you for a year and then spend twenty minutes screaming over text message and bring you down so far you can't remember what the sunlight look like.

I spent a half hour looking at a map today. The empty squares with lonely highways and rivers stir hope in my heart and suddenly I'm dreaming about farms and peaceful small towns. Yet there is the painful reminder that I'd break my mother's heart if I don't follow her to California this fall. If I leave I break his and hurt my best friend. Life is never easy is it?

The house is sold and I'm evicted in three weeks. Is being homeless romantic? I doubt it. 

Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring Fashion 2010

I am excited for this season's fashion. Big print floral dresses are in with a mixture of pastel and deep colors. The styles are a mix of contemporary and with 50's accents. Boots and heels go with the dresses.

White jeans are making an appearance. Colorful blouses are paired with black slacks. Beige shorts are essential to layering, and cargo pants might be used. 

 Dresses and skirts with country style fabric can be worn in light shades.

Nice sweaters go nicely with graphic tee-shirts. 

I can't wait to go shopping.