
Friday, October 9, 2009

So What It's Friday

It's Friday but I do not share in the excitement shared by the country. It's partly because I have only been in school for three weeks (already a quarter of the way through the first term!), but I spent an entire summer where every day was Friday.

If we added up the amount of money spent on "parties" this summer, it would total to well over several hundred dollars. That's a lot of money! What about all that wasted time?

Secondly, my schedule is light meaning I can sleep in every other day. It's great! I can get up at 6 on Monday and sleep until noon on Tuesday. I have time to study before ballet class in the evening.

My schedule is about to become more demanding though now that rehearsals are about to begin. My parts in the Nutcracker are (tentatively):

Act 1 Party Scene:
Solo Angel

Act 1 Battle Scene:
Solo Angel

Act 1 Snow Scene:
Snowflake Corp

Act 2 Land of Sweets
Solo Angel
Flowers Corp substitute

My first rehearsal in tomorrow for Flowers. I've never been a sub before so it will be interesting seeing how that goes.

Yesterday, was "Pointe Day" for inter. 2 class. Instead of a half hour of pointe at the end of class, we spent the first hour of barre en pointe. Ow? Now my left knee hurts. It started during weight lifting today. Today was my heavy day so I was pushing so I probably aggravated my knee. Ugh. I've been icing it for the last hour or so but it still hurts. Not sure how I'm going to run a mile in the morning like I was planning and then go to rehearsal. This sucks.

Last night Jacquie told me she wants me to take inter 2 on Tuesdays instead of inter 1. I think she is trying to torture me now...


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