
Monday, September 28, 2009

First Week

Moment of truth: Just began my second week of college and I'm already coming down with a cold.

College is weird. People aren't constantly telling you what to do and where to be. I haven't seen a single hall pass or heard anyone yell at me to get to class. Like I said, weird.

I'm really loving biology so far and excited to learn about cells and for the Friday labs. Mr. Mitchell is my favorite teacher.

Western Civ is two hours long which is one hour and thirty minutes longer than I want to be in that class. Film critique, end of term presentation and essay exams do not sounds exciting. The teacher is shaped like Santa Claus which I find very distracting. Honestly, how do obese people function?

Psychology is giving me a lot of the same information I learned last year at Claremont. It's pretty easy but little assignments are do each class, which I find annoying.

Weight Lifting hasn't started yet. There are three other girls in the class and a couple of really hot guys. Not high school boys either. I pwn at shoulder flexibility.

I really wish Nutcracker rehearsals would start.


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