SSE Makes Me Tired
Senior Seminar Experince is not easy. It is a lot of work!
I wrote a 144 page book called When I Wake Up. I'm very proud of it though it still technically needs a lot more editing then it had the opportunity to recieve. Oh well.
I have papers galore to finish filling in and writing. Paper, paper, paper.
It's time to make my Power Point. Not tonight...I'm too tired. I worked for 8 hours on my book yesterday and for a grand total of thirty minutes today. Nice huh?
Need to hurry up with my Abstract. evaluations, journals and powerpoint. Research? That's all yet to come.
I bought a prom dress today. and a ticket. no date. How sad. (and I have a boyfriend so that's saying something. girls night out? It's going to be boring but I'll try to pretend to have fun. It is prom after all. Dad is practically making me go.)
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