The Movers Smell Bad
I read the first four hundred pages of a library book while I was M.I.A. from school. I told parents I didn't trust the movers to not walk away with all of my luggage but truthfully I was tired from staying up till midnight on the phone. Not that I was able to sleep in; Dad came in and stole my bed while I was sleeping in it.
I didn't like the movers at all: three Mexicans who smelled really bad, smoke covered up perfume. It's such an awful smell and it doesn't hide the scent of the smoke. Of course no one else seemed to notice except for me. My house smelled like a fucking hamster cage and no one else noticed. Well, there goes me and my overdeveloped sense of smell.
Kalysta took me to lunch at Carl's Jr and I met Joey at the Village afterwards.
I guess tomorrow will be my last day of school. I need to return my math textbook and clear out my PE locker, not to mention say my final goodbyes. Ugh I am not looking forward to that. It's hard for me to believe how little time I have left. It's impossible to be excited for my birthday at all, thanks to the move. Great.
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