I dreamed about him last night. It was a dream filled with imagery-a night sky, cold temperatures, a deep green forest, dark colors, rivers and pools of blue water and two mermaids, one with a bright purple tail and the other was aqua. They reappeared several times during the dream, swimming by quickly, their tails gracefully waving up and down as they swam through the water, before dissappearing into the distance.
The dream jumped between scenes, not appearing to be in any specific order.
At one point we walked into a house together. He left me downstairs, while he retreated upstairs and did not return. I waited for him, afraid to follow. I finally walked up the stairs and opened the door. He stood on the other side and approached me. Inside the room was also my brother Joe. I told him it was cold downstairs, realizing immediately afterwards that the room was very warm.
In another scene I sat in a car with someone else, a girl perhaps, waiting. Whatever we were waiting for, it did not it come.
I never dream about guys. In fact, I rarely remember my dreams at all but this one stands out to me. When I am emotionally disstressed, my dreams become tools to help understand the feelings and emotions that plague me.
In the dream, I am waiting for him. He leave me but I am afraid to follow. I have stood in front of him, while being completely ignored. In each case I felt like a fool, not knowing if I should go, stay or follow.
I find him with my brother-someone he's completely unconnected too. He'd spend time with anyone else but me.
The dark colors, night sky, cold and forest are my mind's representation of Oregon.
Consider the significance of the mermaids.
They swim away from me and I search for them, trying to find them throughout the entire dream.
They represent the pursuit of the desires I have. Something so beautiful but hardly attainable. No matter how close I get, they always slip away.
More importantly, mermaids don't really exist. I am chasing after something imaginary. My love for them, for him is real, but in the real world it doesn't exist. No matter how real the fantasies and the desires I have for him are, they cannot be fullfilled.
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