
Monday, September 22, 2008

Exercise of Gratitude

Alright, with all the happiness discussions in psychology, I'm feeling like I could improve in the department. Today, my goal is to think of all the good things that have happened/are in my life since moving.

  • the church isn't horribly mean
  • the constant heat wasn't too hard to adjust too after a season of summer in Oregon
  • the school seems to have it together acdemically as a whole
  • the football team isn't very good but we did win a game
  • the student body has great school spirit and the rally was really fun.
  • there are many dances during the school year that I could go too
  • there are many clubs and sports to chose from
  • the classes may be everyday but are shorter
  • except for my math teacher, my teachers are all pretty nice
  • I may not be improving very much in basketball but I'm enjoying the conditioning part of PE (pushups, jogging, sprinting and crunches) and hope to see a lot of improvement
  • in basketball my team leader may not find me useful and more specifically useless, but one of the guys is passive and other seems slightly sympathetic
  • I have some in class friends in basketball who seem to be really nice
  • I made one really good friend who I eat lunch with, share a locker with, share two classes with and go places with.
  • I went to the LA County Fair
  • I went to a football game
  • I get to drive to school
  • waking up early may not be easy but its helpful for me to be in a routine
  • I'm doing well in all my classes
  • I actually understand french and math and have scored decent grades on quizzes so far
  • my house may be small but i like my room
  • I still get my own room
  • we have a pool that i can swim in anytime i want
  • i haven't gotten a bad sunburn yet

Well, I guess that's a good start. I'm trying to be more positive. I found out today from a counsler that I have like a guarenteed admission if I score decent on the SAT this October to getting into Cal Poly Pomona. I checked out the website and it has the programs I'm interested in so I signed up for a college visit next week.


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