January Blahs
I think I'm getting the Janurary blues. I wish something exciting was happening to me right now. I wish I could see him right now! I know I shouldn't feel the way I do but I honestly can't help it. To hell with plans...I'm doing what I want right now. Uggg that's where I go wrong right? haha I haven't done anything since Sunday so don't worry. No direction yet...I'm just living life day by day.
This morning sucked butt. I overslept because I stayed up late watching the 10 o'clock news to see a silly story about myspace. Of course they saved that for last. Basically it said parents and school officials are concerned about myspace's new security features which prevents from adults from browsing minor's pages.
When I woke up this late, I was really tired. The last place I wanted to go was to aerobics class. My teacher had her baby over winter break so we're stuck with a sub who doesn't know how to teach and looks like she stepped out of an 80's workout video. Oh my gosh.
And we had a freakin fire drill before we started our workout! I was dressed in shorts and a tank top. A lot of the girls were wearing sweats and everyone else had actual shirts on. I don't have any sweats I'd want to wear to school, and I hate working out in t-shirts. I sweat so much and get really hot so it's just gross. At least I can breathe in a tank.
But I had to go stand outside in front of everyone in shorts and a tank top. It was so cold! This one teacher came out and looked at us and said, "Oh you're in PE! I'm so sorry!" And she starting rubbing my arms.
Lesson learned: I'll bring a sweatshirt with me to the gym on cold days. True the class ends in three peirod but better safe than sorry!
I got my last minium done for Graphics. That means I have a D. Now every two assignments I complete raises my grade a letter. In the end he usually ends up pushing the minimums back so the best students all get A's but still. It's stressful! I actually have two assingments done so I just need to turn those in and I'll have a C. uggg I have to have an A. Anything less and I'd have to kill myself. Semester grade is an average of quater grades so either way I'd have probably a B but still....
For ChemCom, I'm right below an A. It's driving me crazy because I don't know if I'll be able to get it back up to an A. I still have a B in History and as far as I know I have all A's for the rest of my classes. Three B's wouldn't be so bad but I really want all A's. I know I won't get an A in history but you know what? I don't really care. haha I hate history.
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