
Thursday, August 30, 2007

Street Of Dreams

On Sunday my mom took Joe, Rick and I to the Street of Dreams. She had already gone with dad the thursday before but she was so thrilled with it she came back again to take us. The Street of Dreams is a large strip of land where several homes of luxary are built. They are for sale and the money goes to various charities.

To descibe the homes with words would be very difficult so I'll use pictures instead. A picture is worth a thousand words.

I loved many of the feautures these homes offered but I was most captivated by the artwork displayed on the walls.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Double Joy

Today was both a wedding and a personal celebration. Well the first was and the second received an honorable mention.

August twenty-fifth marks the halfway point between my sixteenth birthday and my sevententh birthday. Around here we call those 'half birthdays'. I always forget mine until someone mentions it, usually my mother, but it always makes me happy that I only have to survive six more months to the next age. Or in only eighteen months I'll be eighteen. Now that calls for a celebration.

But more importantly today was Jessica and Ken's wedding. It was another outdoor wedding but instead of rain in suffered from high winds and blinding sunlight. Luckily the bride and groom stood under many trees and were shaded quite nicely.

My job was to catch the guests and invite them to sign the guestbook both before and after the wedding. Jake helped alot though and pretty much took over the responsibility as usual.

My only comments on the wedding was the reception was nice....except they served a whole fish, eyes and all, with its inside served up in it's middle. That's pushing it, don't you think? I do and besides it caused the whole room to reak of fish.

Amusingly, Ken turned the traditonal mother-son dance into a lively spectacle. He began by putting on a blue bear head hat as the familiar tune of The Bear Necessities began playing.
If that wasn't enough he had his brothers (?) line up in front of the big special table and dance. Well I wouldn't call it dancing but it was funny.
Jake, Lance, David, Andrew and I blew bubbles on the floor during the song, at Ken's request. I haven't blown bubbles in such a long time! It was funny because all the ones I blew floated down onto an elderely lady who kept popping them with her cane. I wasn't sure if she was annoyed or not but it was very funny.

Oh and I forgot to mention with Jake's help I started to write a short story. So far it's called "The Bird who Wouldn't Leave the Nest" but that might change in the future. lol We have some pretty cool ideas for it.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Adventures of Emily, Jake and Lauren and the Bus

I just realized why I'm so hungry; I never ate lunch! I went to babysit at ten this morning after eating half a bun and a bowl of cereal. There I drank a bottle of water, a can of cherry coke and ate a handful of raisons. I went to the mall to meet Lauren and Jake with some yogurt which I let Lauren finish. She was really hungry.

I don't remember who's idea it was but we were going to take the bus up to Lauren's house. It was an adventure in itself finding someone at the mall who could change a five for us. Who knew there was a bank at the mall! Then it was off to the bus stop behind the mall. No mind you I've never ridden a city bus before. While I am quite experienced in the art of riding school busses, I have no memoriesof ever being on a city bus. I rode the Max for the first time this spring so I had an idea of what to expect but not really.

We get the stop and Jake turns and asks Lauren, "Hey we rode bus 156 here right?"
She's like, "I don't know, you think I pay attention?" Not exactly a great start.

While Jake and I look over the times list I notice that the next bus for 156 doesn't arrive until 3:04 and it's just after 2:20. Jake is also questioning bus 31 and while we sit in the sunlight he asked another bus driver. They direct us to bus 31. When that bus arrives he talks to the driver who tells us that he doesn't go where we need to go. Then he yells at us, "Get on!" and we file onto the bus holding our money unsure of where he's taking us. About a block later he yells at us to get the hell off his bus and he leaves us at stop telling us he thinks this is the bus we should get on. There is not sign; we had no idea when the bus would be coming, what bus it would be or where it was going.

Lauren sat down but Jake wanted to go back and wait for bus 156. I had no idea where we were going and having no experience in this riding the bus business sided with Jake who seemed to have it together. We walked back, labeled the bus driver an old cracked dipshit and complained. That's all we talked about pretty much for two hours along with 'fuck you' to the drivers who tried to kill us while screaming there horn and shouting.

Bus 156 finally did come. Jake even arranged for it to drop us off at the bottom of the hill. He didn't realize the bus continued to travel in the direction we were going and we ended up walking for a half hour on the side of the busy road in the heat. That made me very unhappy and I found ways to add 'fuck' to the end of about every sentence. We shouted and complained even more. It was about 4 when we collapsed in the kitchen with water and sodas at Lauren's house.

As fun as riding the bus ended up being I'm not sure I want to do it again sometime soon. Or atleast if I do know where I'm going, what bus I'm getting off of, what time it will be there, and what stop to get off at.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

School Prep

Registration for junior year was today. I actually woke up at 8 and it's only noon but I have nothing to do. I'm not used to having this much time on my hands lol.
I turned in all my papers, payed the fees and had my picture taken. It's on my ID card and it turned out really good! Much better than last years. The ID card is really pretty too. It's red and white. Can you believe I'm in eleventh grade? I can't.

I really like my schedule except for a few things. First off I have pe (Aerobics) first period. The only reason this is a problem is because we don't shower at school so I will be all sweaty and gross all day long. So for that reason I hope a few people chose to shower so I can and not be sweaty all da. I hate being sweaty! I get enough of that at ballet.

Secondly my health teacher is the same teacher I had for freshman PE. She was very strict and mean in the sense she made us run alot. I don't know anything about her as a regular teacher though. So we'll see how things turn out.

Third for my Chemistry class my teacher is the wife of last year's biology teacher. I didn't exactly get along with him. I hope hope hope she's nicer and doesn't try to brain wash us like he tried.

Also I noticed that I have health and PE in the same semester. Not a bad thing just it's usually they are in different semesters. That's okaysecond semester will be eaiser if I have more electives. lol

Okay without futher adiu, my 2007-2008 schedule.

Semester 1

Day 1:

Aerobics [Coleman]
Graphics 2 [Makin]
Chemistry in the Community [Shroufe]
Honors American Studies English 11 [Schlafeli]

Day 2:

Health 2 [Landolt]
Algebra 2 [Sonnichsen]
Cavelles [Davis]
Honors American Studies US History [Kelleher]

Semester 2

Day 1:

Cosmetology Concepts [Axtell]
Graphics 2 [Makin]
Chemistry in the Community [Shroufe]
Honors American Studies English 11 [Schlafeli]

Day 2:

Graphics Digital Photo [Makin]
Algebra 2 [Sonnichsen]
Cavelles [Davis]
Honors American Studies US History [Kelleher]

And that's it. Not too heavy of a workload. That's good because HAMS (Honors American Studies) will be very full with lots of work.

Saturday, August 4, 2007


I'm waiting to go to a party. I'm pretty excited, it's gonna be fun. Jake's going with me, I think Lauren's going too and I just found out Taylor Lui's going to so I'm going to know lots of people. I'm guessing it's a big party because I'm not really friends with Jessica, the girl who's throwing the party. It's her sweet sixteen so I wouldn't be too surprised though. I had math with her as a freshman and talked with her a little bit this last year but other than that I don't know her. But it's gonna be fun.

Yesterday Jake and I were supposed to go to a play with Jessica (Martin) and Ken but they postponed it until next week. So Jake took me to see Hairspray instead. I loved it though Jake was a little bit frightened. He was a good sport though. He even bought the candy, Hot Tamales and Sour Strawberry Belts. yummy.

Speaking of food...I'm hungry. I slept through breakfast cause I stayed up late reading. I was reading fictional diaries of Anastasia. It was good but the ending was horrific. For lunch I ate some fruit and a TV dinner. I topped off a bowl of Top Ramen about thirty minutes ago but still...the stomach is rumbling. Hope there's food at the party!

I guess I should go get ready. Yeah I'll go do that.