If It's Bad Econoic News Then I Don't Want To Know. Thank You
Yesterday I had my windshield wipers replaced, and I drove to Tigard in the pouring rain. It's actually not that far. I met Tricia, her five year old daughter Marley and her eighteen month old son Dane. We played together for an hour and a half, and I'll be back on Saturday with my afternoon schedule in hand.
Is this really happening? I like the sound of part time nanny. It thrills me inside. I have this weakness for little children. Of course history warns me not to get too excited. Every little job opportunity I've had always falls apart for me.
Like the time I was hired to run the church nursery on Wednesday nights-and then my dad got fired.
Or the time I was about to be scheduled for work serving hamburgers at the LA Fair Grounds-and then parents announced we were going back to Oregon.
It just always works out like that. And people wonder why I am a pessimist?! If something bad can happen, it will happen, otherwise translated as really good things avoid Emily. My boyfriend not included. He is the optimist with all the luck in the world-except when competing with the thirty year olds who lost their jobs and decided to invade the teen/young adult job market. Stupid bastards.
I haven't done anything other than this since Sunday. How completely insane is that?
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