Gag me with a spoon
I joined the I-kinda-had-a-breakdown-tonight club along with am-I-still-sane-cause-I'm-really-not-sure club.
According to my mom having a breakdown about how I'm a failure if I don't get a 4.0 is not worth it. That if missing a week of school will cause me to fail than that's a bad system and I need to change the system.
Yeah. wtf. She wants me to change the system know as COLLEGE?! Just saying.
Oh and she also said that crisis's happen to people who then go on to get into graduate school. Yeah I'm not buying this either.
My mom doesn't realize how much you can hurt for being gone a week. She has no clue.
My stress level in general has been through the roof lately. Surprisingly, funeral week was the least stressful thing I've had to deal with lately and my Grandma freaking died. (Though it didn't help that on the day that we left I both crashed my car [steep hill + bald tires+ rain + downhill = broken headlights] and lost my BC [hormones are off the map].
Not knowing if I'm going to get into the nursing assistant program is stressful. If I'm going to be homeless in January I need to have a working plan in place. [Well I have a plan I just don't know if it's going to happen or not]. My parents don't really get IT at all. They are too busy convincing their selves that I'm going to move again and getting pissed at me for insignificant things [such as my having alcohol on my breath Friday night. I took 2 sips off a beer. Gag me with a spoon].
I know that people talk about how we shouldn't be so focused on ourselves in this world, but don't you think it's kind of important that I prepare before being thrown to the clutches of the world?
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