The Hard Truth
There are always two ways of looking at a situation. For example I could decide that the hardwork and soreness I feel now because of Aeriobics was negative and hate it. Or I could realize that yeah it hurts but I'm getting stronger and that's worth a little pain. And trust me I'm feeling the pain right now.
Yesterday I ended up at the back of the line and the three pound weights were all taken. I had to use five pound weights for the first time and I didn't like that very much. It was my first time ever using five pound weights or dumbells of whatever they're called and excited wouldn't be my first choice of words to describe how I was feeling.
Now some people keeping tellling me, "Five pounds? That's nothing!"
Sure maybe for you it isn't anything but for me it is. I have weak arms. Ballet is helping me to strengthen my arms but it's a slow process.
I didn't die during class though for parts of it I thought I was going too. My teacher believes in as many reps as possible and my arms were killing me in no time. I've learned some parts of my arm and stronger than others. For example I had a really hard time laying on my back, dropping my arms straight out to the side and bringing them up to meet above me. That really really hurt. Other exercises didn't hurt as much but still I was relieved when class was over.
Today my back, shoulders and arms are really sore. The way I feel about it is completely up to me. I've decided I'm going to feel positive about it. Think of how much more strength I have the potential to build if I use the five pounds weights instead of the three pound weights? Obviously it didn't kill me or tear any muscles so I think that from now on I should committ to pushing my limits and use the five pound weights. When we use the weights while doing aerobics I'll still use the three pound weights but otherwise five pounds weights it will be. Attitude is everything.
I've noticed I'm always sore now. If it's not from aerobics/pilates/weights I'm pushing my arabeque height or the depth of my plie. At least I know I'm not slacking off! I remember how I felt back before I used to exercise like this. If I had PE I was in class but I hated it. I didn't put in very much effort and I didn't reap many benefits. But starting ballet did that for me. Even though it was only once a week after a year I noticed a difference. When I danced I felt better. The harder I worked, the better I felt. My body became more toned over that year and my flexibility improved drastically. People now tell me I'm flexible and I have to try to not laugh! I'm proof anyone can do it.
Sadly most people don't exercise. Did you know more people die of inactivity than people die of smoking? It's true, we live in a society where over 50% of people sit on there behinds all day. It's acceptable to be in poor health and the only one who calls you out on it is your doctor. We are so concerned with being poliet we allow the people we love to condemn themselves to an early death. Wow and your justification for not saying anything is because you care about their feelings. Corpses don't have feelings.
Okay people do you understand what I'm saying? Exercise isn't always fun but we have to do it! It doesn't matter if it's a walk around the neighborhood with your dog, a bike ride through the local park, a jog on the treadmill. a swim, an aerobics class, dancing around your kitchen or even kicking a soccor ball around your yard you need to get with it!
I promise promise promise it will make you feel so much better in the long run! I find that on days when I'm feeling crappy if I dance really hard I feel great the rest of the day. Why wait till New Years to make a resolution to exercise? Committ yourself to exercising once a week and work your way up. If you've ever had an injury/illness that would complicate your exercising program go see your doctor and find out what you can and can't do.
If you continue to live a life of inactivity you will pay for it. Don't get to the end of your life and think If I only....
Already exercise? You're amazing and I love you. Now I need to see about getting in line for a hot shower. My muscles hurt!
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