
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Blond Emily Gets Into Trouble

Do blonds have more fun or do they just get into more trouble?

I think I've had a horrible night. It's 6 in the morning and I've completely given up trying to sleep...another panic attack. If I can concentrate on something and not think about it, I don't feel quite as out of control. If I think about it I start to freak out. At any rate I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

You know how sometimes at parties one person gets too much and they end up acting totally inappropriate? That was me. I'm pretty sure all the girls I saw tonight think I'm an idiot while most of the guys want to hook up with me. And I really made out with a girl? And Alex is actually mad at me for doing it? Holy crap.

I really should have stayed home and worked on my story like I wanted too in the first place.


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