Still Working
My dad is home. That means until he leaves again we will eat, sleep and breathe moving. The only upside to having him back is that we get his cooking instead mom's. That and he looked at my car today and I don't have very much transmission fluid so that's probably a big part of it's shifting problems.
I had a good day at ballet today: my back flexibility is improving and starting to improve on my corrections. I'm focusing on supporting my stomach, pulling up and keeping my knees straight. I need to work on landing a double pirouette. Also I want my arabesque higher but that fits into my 2008 resolutions. By the way I'm still working on them.
1. Backcatch
Improvement? Yes. However, I'm getting the feeling I'll still be working on it next year.
2. Grand Jete
I don't know what's up with this one...I think getting my oversplits would help. I need to be more diligent with stretching.
3. Higher Arabeque
This goal wasn't specific so I'll never be done working on it! Lower back flexibility and leg strength need to increase.
4. Higher Penche
I've noticed that a penche stretched the back of my legs. The back of my legs just happens to be one of the least flexible areas on my body. I guess I need to spend more time touching my toes.
5. Go en Pointe
I got this one. =) Now I need to increase my ankle strength for endurance, pretty feet and long lasting shoes.
6. Get License
I got this one too.
Imagine what it would be like if everyone kept their new years resolutions. Fat people might be a minority. lol.
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